Page 22 - CE_Industral_Journal_2014
P. 22

A Vacation from Diesel: EVRs Are Changing the

          Formula for Backup Power Generation

          at Resorts, Hotels and Casinos

                                                                          Dr. Robert C. Degeneffand David K. Wightman

        Once,  vacationing  meant  occasionally  tolerating  rustic   now cause traditional backup systems to engage can be
        conditions.  No  longer.  The  modern  consumer  expects   safely bridged. More importantly, an EVR allows a facility to
        a “quality power experience” wherever they go. Anything   remain connected to the local source through brownouts,
        less immediately generates a demand for comp days and   sags and surges of any duration, while providing full power
        the posting of bad online reviews.In developed regions of   for all guest services.
        the world, this is not a big problem.

                                                                TAPPING THE POWER OF AN EVR
        But as the demand for exotic travel experiences grows,
        resort  developers  are  increasingly  building  in  places   The  EVR  is  the  modern  standard  for  voltage  regulation
        where power quality remains a significant challenge – the   in  most  power  quality  applications.  Electronic  voltage
        Caribbean,  Central  America,  South  America,  the  South   regulators minimize and balance out variations in voltage
        Pacific, much of Africa, and parts of Asia.             to protect equipment that draws electricity from a power
                                                                source.  As  electronics  become  more  prevalent  in
                                                                hospitality,  industrial  and  commercial  applications,  the
        To meet the growing consumer demand for an “invisible”
        power experience, engineers have had little choice but to   EVR’s speed and performance advantages allow it to fill
        specify ever-larger and more expensive diesel and battery   a gap in backup power system design that older, slower
        backup systems.                                         mechanical voltage regulators cannot.
                                                                EVRs “sense” even the smallest voltage fluctuation within a
        But  a  new  technology,  electronic  voltage  regulators
        (EVRs), transformers equipped with electronic on-load tap   single cycle and adjust electrical output by transforming the
        changers,are  significantly  altering  the  formulafor  backup   voltage coming in from the grid before passing it through
        system investment. When an EVR is placed between the    to  the  load  they  serve.  This  allows  facilities  to  remain
        source and the load, many of the electrical “events” that   safely connected to the local grid and deliver full power
                                                                to all services whenever incoming voltage swings above

                              Standard Backup Power Systems Configured Without and With an Electronic
                                                          Voltage Regulator
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