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nearly 600 GB of data daily in Google’s Mountain View,  entirely  via  wireless.  Upon  installation,  mesh  routers
        California network, 1 TB of data transferred daily in Ponca  automatically  discover  one  another  and  self-organize
        City, Oklahoma), large numbers of M2M end-points (more  into  an  interconnected  wireless  mesh  network.  Each
        than 1 million electricity and water meters in Abu Dhabi)  mesh router determines the presence of both clients and
        and  large  numbers  of  routers  (more  than  3,000  routers  other mesh routers.  Once a mesh router has identified
        operating in the network in Abu Dhabi). However, because  the  existence  of  other  like  devices,  it  builds  a  table  of
        mesh networks generally don’t require tower construction,  neighboring devices and the corresponding paths through
        they can also economically cover small areas, such as a  the network that each neighbor provides. The mesh router
        single distribution feeder.                            then identifies the optimal path to send data across the
        Secure: Broadband wireless mesh networks can implement  network, to the wired gateway.
        a multi-layer, defense-in-depth security architecture using
        open  security  standards  including  AES,  IEEE  802.1x,
        IEEE 802.11i, RADIUS, IPSec, SSL/TLS and SSH. Using  Not All Mesh Networks Are Created Equal
        a multi-layer, defense-in-depth approach, wireless mesh  Unfortunately, in the utility industry, the term mesh network
        networks have attained FIPS 140-2 and NERC CIP 002-    has created some confusion because two different types
        009 compliance and are compatible with NISTIR 7628 and  of mesh networks are used for two different applications.
        IEC 6235.                                              Utilities tend to be more familiar with the AMI meter meshes
        Interoperability/Open  Standards:  Broadband  wireless  used to implement the NANs that transport metering data
        mesh  networks  support  open  standards  so  that  they  between meters and their associated AMI collectors. These
        can  interoperate  with  other  standards-based  smart  grid  narrowband mesh networks use lower frequency bands,
        components.  Standards  supported  by  wireless  mesh  supply much less capacity and cover smaller geographic
        networks include TCP/UDP/IP, 802.11 (Wi-Fi) and 802.3  areas with fewer connected devices than the broadband
        (Ethernet).  To  integrate  legacy  field  devices  and  avoid  mesh networks that are the subject of this article.
        stranded assets, some mesh routers also support secure  Broadband  wireless  mesh  networks  use  higher
        network connections to devices that use serial RS-232 or  frequencies, typically the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz RF bands.
        RS-485  links  and  automation  protocols  such  as  DNP-3  These  frequency  bands  supply  more  and  wider  RF
        and IEC 61850.                                         channels,  providing  higher  capacity  and  the  option  to
        Mobility:  Broadband  wireless  mesh  networks  provide  automatically move between channels within a band and
        seamless, session-persistent roaming at vehicular speeds  between bands to mitigate interference. Broadband mesh
        for as long as they stay within the mesh coverage area.  networks have been proven to scale to very high capacity
        Clients, including those that have established an IPSec/  (1 TB per day), large coverage areas (3,000 square miles)
        VPN  connection,  can  move  between  nodes,  gateway  and large numbers of connected devices (1 million).
        and even IP subnets without losing connections. The best
        mobile network connections can be achieved by using a   CONCLUSION
        mobile mesh router such as the Troops 4310.
                                                               Communication networks are a key component to smart
                                                               grid  implementation.  Utilities  implementing  smart  grid
        IMPLEMENTING  FIELD  AREA  COMMUNICATION  communication networks generally use a multi-tier network
        NETWORKS USING BROADBAND WIRELESS MESH                 architecture.  A  number  of  wireless  technology  choices
        Broadband  wireless  mesh  networks  are  implemented   are available to Tier 2 network – the field area network or
        by installing mesh routers throughout the coverage area.   FAN. When comparing the capabilities of these technology
        Along  a  feeder,  units  typically  mount  on  the  horizontal   choices to the requirements of the FAN, broadband wireless
        mast arm of a street light pole or to a power pole and are   mesh  networks,  supplemented  by  PTMP  links  when
        typically  AC  powered.    Though  mounting  on  streetlights   necessary, provide the best match to the requirements.
        and  power  poles  is  the  simplest  method,  mesh  routers
        can be deployed on a wide array of vertical and horizontal
        structures such as communications towers, traffic signal   Bert  Williams  is  the  Director,  Global  Marketing  for  ABB
        arms,  tornado  warning  towers,  building  parapets,  and   Tropos Wireless Communication Systems and brings 30
        even  palm  trees.  To  provide  wireless  communication   years of experience in successfully leading the marketing
        across a substation floor, mesh routers can be mounted   organizations of networking companies. Mr. Williams was
        to structures and equipment within the substation. Mobile   Vice President of Marketing for Tropos Networks from 2002
        mesh routers can be installed in vehicles.             to 2007 and returned to the company shortly before its
        Some mesh routers, called gateways, connect to the Tier   acquisition by ABB after working as an executive marketing
        1 core IP network. In areas where gateways are required   consultant  for  four  years.  Prior  to  Tropos,  Mr.  Williams
        but a fiber drop to the Tier 1 network is not readily available,   held  senior  marketing  positions  at  AlteonWebSystems
        PTMP wireless links can fill the void. The percentage of   (acquired by Nortel Networks), Qualix Group, SynOptics
        mesh routers configured as gateways varies depending on   Communications (part of Bay Networks), Synernetics and
        the amount to traffic that needs to travel to/from the Tier 1   Advanced  Micro  Devices.  Mr.  Williams  holds  a  BS  with
        network and the FAN.                                   University Honors in Electrical Engineering from Carnegie
        Mesh routers not configured as gateways communicate    Mellon and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
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