Page 36 - CE_Industral_Journal_2014
P. 36

Introduction of an Easy Method to

          Analyze the Inuence of CT Saturation

          on the Protection System

                                                                                                  Eugenio Carvalheira

        INTRODUCTION                                            transient  CT  saturation  will  occur  for  given  burden  and
        Almost all protective relays used in power systems rely   fault conditions [1], but this does not help much if for the
        on phase current information for their operation, typically   above-mentioned reasons CTs are (or have to be) chosen
        provided by the secondary winding of conventional current   that will saturate under adverse conditions. The question
        transformers (CTs). Although several modern alternatives   is: How will the connected relays cope with these non-
        to iron-core CTs exist (e.g. Rogowski coil, several other   ideal  signals?  Can  a  certain  amount  of  saturation  be
        approaches  to  unconventional  transformers)  the  iron-  acceptable, i.e. will the relay still trip with acceptable trip
        core type is by far the most common. Due to commercial   time and reach tolerance under all realistic fault conditions?
        or  space  limitations,  CTs  are  often  selected  for  proper
        steady-state  current  replication  but  with  little  reserves   APPROACH
        regarding  transient  fault  conditions.  Thus  the  primary-  A  proper  assessment  of  the  reliability  of  the  protection
        side sine-shape currents with a transient DC component   performance in case of actually possible CT saturation is
        during fault occurrence may result in secondary distortion   only possible by considering all relevant conditions of the
        as shown in this recorded example:                      site.  The  one  method  offering  the  most  realistic  results
                                                                cannot be used for obvious reasons: The primary test with
                                                                injection of short circuit currents into the CTs which are
                                                                assumed as critical for CT performance.

                                                                The solution approach presented in this paper is based
                                                                on four steps:
                                                                -      Measurement of the actual burden on site as seen
                                                                by the CT with connected relay(s)
                                                                -      Measurement of the actual CT data on site
                                                                -      Selection of symptomatic fault data as given e.g.
                                                                by the infeed conditions at the primary CT connection
                                                                -      Transient simulation of the fault currents including
                                                                the transient and steady-state saturation derived from the
                                                                CT and burden data.
               Fig. 1: Transient CT saturation (recorded)
                                                                These signals are injected into the relay and its behaviour
        Depending  on  the  type  and  power  of  the  CT  and  the   is assessed to verify if operation is acceptable under these
        connected  burden  (including  the  wiring  between  CT   real-world related conditions.
        and  relay(s)  and  the  burden  of  the  relay  input  circuit),
        CT  saturation  may  corrupt  the  transformed  currents  up   The described measurements can nowadays be carried
        to  a  point  where  proper  relay  performance  is  impaired,   out to a large extent in an automated fashion and very
        especially during the first few cycles where fast and reliable   efficiently.  The  transfer  of  the  measured  data  to  the
        operation is expected.                                  test  system  is  quite  straightforward,  and  the  actual
                                                                simulation is done practically in real-time on location. The
        There are well-known calculation methods to find out if   readily  available  equipment  required  for  measurement

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