Page 24 - CE_Industral_Journal_2015
P. 24

Statistics Regarding

         Transformer Servicing and Transformer Life

        AbStRACt                                                Aging  insulation  directly  relates  to  the  lifespan  of  the
        To increase the service life of transformers, various equipment   transformer.  As  the  oil  oxidizes  and  the  paper  insulation
        and  service  providers  have  offered  different  solutions,   ages, the heat dissipation capability within the transformer is
        including testing, online monitoring, oil treatment, and other   compromised due to the formation of sludge deposits. The
        services.  These  services  have  identified  thousands  of   paper insulation’s remaining life is determined by its Degree
        transformers as unreliable, allowing replacement units to be   of  Polymerization  (DP).  When  the  paper  insulation  has
        secured prior to an unplanned outage. This paper examines   reached a DP of 200, the paper insulation is considered to
        a  very  large  data  source  to  investigate  how  various  oil   be at the end-of-useful-life, according to IEEE standards [1].
        treatments affect transformer service life. The data in this
        paper  was  taken  from  the  SD  Myers  database  of  over   Over  the  past  50  years,  SD  Myers  has  collected  data
        40 million oil testing records. The findings reveal a strong   on thousands of transformers that have had preventative
        correlation between average service life and the number of   measures preformed on them [2]. The database mined in
        oil services performed.                                 this paper contains over 40 million fluid test results. Over
                                                                1500 records of out-of-service transformers were selected
        IntRodUCtIon                                            for study, including records for whether these transformers
        The  life  of  a  transformer  has  long  been  accepted  to  be   were serviced or non-serviced. This paper demonstrates
        predominately  based  on  the  life  of  the  paper  insulation.   the  transformer  life  extension  realized  by  oil  processing
        Insulation damaged by heat, moisture, or acids from aged   services.
        oil is less able to withstand line faults and other stresses
        in  the  transformer.  This  paper  investigates  the  effects  of   oIL  SERVICES:  EFFECtS  on  tRAnSFoRmER
        performing services on the oil and paper insulation.    LIFESpAn
                                                                As transformers age, they have increasing levels of moisture,
        For  the  past  half  century,  the  effects  of  transformer  oil   acid,  and  furans.  The  moisture  and  acid  are  specifically
        oxidation  have  been  studied,  theorized,  and  presented.   harmful  to  the  solid  insulation.  Several  oil  services  were
        When oxygen, moisture, and heat are present, oil oxidation   considered  that  help  reduce  moisture,  acid,  and  help
        is  inevitable.  To  address  the  effects  of  oxidation,  service   preserve the paper insulation. The oil services investigated
        vendors  and  equipment  providers  have  offered  various   in this study included oil reclamation, moisture reduction,
        solutions,  including  testing,  online  monitoring,  and  oil   and addition of oxidation inhibitor.
        treatments, along with other services.

                                     Figure 1: Acid levels in relation to life of cellulose insulation
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