Page 18 - Annual Report 2017
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TABLE 5 - 2017 Individual Utility Participation   TABLE 6 - Course Participation January - Oecember 2017
                 Utility                                  El                                             l,ii#144'
                                                            1    Lightning Slrikes and Distribution System     27
                                                            2    Industrial Technologies Curriculum             1
            1    Other                        418           3    Industrial Technologies Curriculum            10
            2    NVGB              3          249           4    Safety Refresher Training                     62
                                                            5    2017 NESC Clearances for Railways, Roads and Waterways   13
            3    LUCELEC                      127
                                                            6    Managing Emotions under Pressure              24
            4    JPSCO             5          92
                                                            7    An Introduction to Eleelric Utility Systems   20
            5    GRENLEC           8          91            8    Fuel Hedging                                  11
            6    VINLEC            6          85            9    2017 NESC Clearances tram Buildings           40
            7    T&TEC             3          62            10   Aligning Strategy & Culture                   13
            8    CUC               2           56           11   Developmenl Workshop· Managers                40
            9    SKELEC                        56           12   Developmenl Workshop· Staff                  200
                                                            13   Linesman 3A                                    7
            10   BPL                           49
                                                            14   CAREC Renewable Energy Intermittency and Grid Operations for Islands   74
            11   APUA              2          43            15   linesman Certification Level1                  3
            12   DOMLEC                       32            16   linesman Certification Level2                  9
            13   Surinam           2           29           17   Fuel Hedging                                   2
            14   BLPC                         23            18   (AREC Renewable Energy Intermittency & Grid Operations for IslandsJPS   76
            15   BVIEC             3           21           19   Supply-side Management Webinar sponsored by lOB   7
            16   BEL                           15           20   Power Plant Operators 1                       12
            17   ANGLEC                        14           21   2017 NESC Clearances for Joint Use Facilities   2
            18   BELCO                         13           22   Demand-side Management Webinar sponsored by lOB   7
                                                                 Smart Grid & Energy Storage
            19   WAPA                          11           24   Climate Change Adaptation                      9
            20   Powergen                      6            2!   CARECTools for Modeling Renewable Energy Systems   22
            21   NEVLEC                        3            26   CARECTools for Modeling Renewable Energy Systems   23
            22   Fortis                        3            27   linesman 3A                                    7
            23   GBP                           2            28   Occupational Health & Safety Seminar          28
          -      CARILEC          26        1,527           30   linesman 3A                                   25
                                                                 Diesel Mechanics 1
                                                                 Certified PV Installers Training
                                                                 Safety Leadership
                                                            34   Crew Best Practices                           28
                                                                 Pole Top Rescue
                                                            35   Industrial Technologies Curriculum             4
          Table 5 - 201 71ndividual Utility Participation   36   BucketTruck Rescue                            25
                                                            37   linesman Symposium                            45
          NVGB, LUCELEC and JPSCO  ranked  as the top three supporters of   38   Technical and Island Tour      8
                                                            39   linesman Rodeo                                33
          CARILEC training activities, having accounted for 16%, 8% and 6%
          respectively of the total number of participants trained. Amongst   10   ILM Leadership & Management   12
                                                            41   PV Training                                    2
          the  utilities,  GRENLEC,  VINLEC  and  JPSCO  are recognised  for   42   Solar Design                5
          having hosted the highest number of courses offered in 2017.   43   Transformers and Distribution    16
                                                            44   Power Cable Fault Locating                    26
                                                            15   Energy Storage                                55
                                                            46   Integration and Forecasting in Island Networks   51
                                                            47   Distributed Generation Interconnection         4
                                                            48   Power Cable Fault                             15
                                                            49   Diesel Mechanics 1                            28
                                                            50   Diesel Mechanics 2                            12
                                                            51   Electrical Technicians 2                      13
                                                            52   Techniques for Reducing System Losses         31
                                                            53   Distributed Generation                        41
                                                            54   Energy Efficiency                             53
                                                            55   Understanding Conductor Characteristics       13
                                                            56   Power Plant Operators 2                     0(151
                                                            57   Smart Grid Symposium                          80
                                                            58   Levelized Cost of Energy Storage              23
                                                          -      ILM Leadership & Management                 .. fil
                                                                 Cyber security
                                                                 Understanding Distribution Grounding
   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23