Page 42 - Annual Report 2017
P. 42

December 31, 2017
                                                                                  (expressed in United States Dollars)

                  3  Financial risk management
                      The Company's activities expose it to a variety of financÎal risk: market risk (foreign exchange risk and  priee risk), credit risk,  interest
                      rat, risk, and liquidity risk.
                      Market risk analysis
                      The Company's activities is exposed to market risk through its use of financÎal instruments and specifically to currency risk and certain
                      other priee risks, which result trom both its operating and investing activities.
                      Foreign exchange fisk
                      T he Company trades internationally.  Such  transactions are  primarily in US$ and  EC$. The  exchange  rate  of  the  Eastern  Caribbean
                      dollar (EC$)  to th, US$  has  b"n formally p'gg,d at EC$2.70  ~ US$1.00  sin" July 1976.  Manag,m,nt does  not  b,li,v,  that
                      significant foreign exchange risk exists at December 31, 2017.
                      Interest rate risk
                      As the Company has interest-bearing assets primarily pertaining to investments maturing within one year, the Company's income and
                      operating cash-flows are exposed to changes in interest rates.
                      The Company's interest rate risk arises fram long·term borrowings issued at fixed rates. The Company's exposure and interest rates on
                      its financial assets and liabilities are disclosed in Notes 7 and 12.
                      Priee risk
                      The Company is exposed  to  equity securities price risk because of investments held  by the Company and classified  on the balance
                      sheet as available·for-sale. Investments in equity securities are publicly traded. Management does not believe that significant price
                      risk exists at Dec,mber 31, 2017.
                      Credit risk
                      Credit risk  arises  fram  cash  in  banks,  investment securities,  and  deposits with  banks  and  financial  institutions, as  weil  as  credit
                      exposures  to members  and  non-members,  including outstanding  receivables  and  committed transactions.  The  Company  also
                      performs periodic credit evaluations of its members and affiliates' financial condition.
                      The amount of the Company's maximum exposure to credit risk is indicated by the carryi ng amount of its financia l assets.
                      Maximum exposure to credit risk:
                                                                                      2017          2016
                                                                                         $             $
                      Cash and cash 'quival,nts (Note 5)                            824,622        707,669
                      Trad, and other rec,ivables (Note 6)                          216,279        89,504
                      Investment securities: available-for·sale (Note 7)             44,444        53,333
                      lnvestment securities: loans and receivables (Note 7)       1,201,487      1,180,503

                      At Dec,mber 31,2017                                         2,286,832      2,031,009
                      Liquidity risk
                      Prudent liquidity risk management implies maintaining sufficient cash and marketable securities and the ability of funding through
                      an adequate am ou nt of commitled credit facilities.
                      The table below analyses the Company's financia lliabilities into relevant maturity graupings based  on the remaining  period at the
                      balance sheet to the contractual maturity date.
                                                            1 year     1-2 years     2-5 years       Total
                                                               $             $            $             $

                      At Oecember 31,2017
                      Trad, and other payables            494,886                                  494,886

                      At Oecember 31,2016
                      Trad, and other payables            420,171                                  420,171

                      Management does not believe that significant liquidity risk exists at December 31, 2017.
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