Page 44 - Annual Report 2017
P. 44

December 31, 2017
                                                                                  (expressed in United States Dollars)

                  4  Critical accounting estimates and judgementS                continued

                      Use of estimates
                      The  key  assumptions concerning  the future  and  other key  sources of estimation  uncertainty at the  balance sheet date, that have
                      significant risk of causing a material  adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within  the next financial year are
                      discussed below.
                      (a)  Provision for impairment of receivables and investment in securities: loans and receivables
                         TIhe Company  maintains a provision for impairment of receivables at a level  considered adequate to provide for  potentially
                          uncollectible receivables. The level of provision is evaluated  by management based on experience and other factors that may
                         affect  the  recoverability  of  these  assets.  If there is an  objective  evidence  that an  impairment loss  on  reeeivables  carried  at
                         amortised cast has been incurred, the amount of the loss is measured as the differenee between the asset's carrying amount and
                         the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred) discounted  at the
                         financial asset's original effective interest rate. The carrying amount of the asset shall be reduced either directly or through use
                          of an allowance accounts. The  amount and timing  of  recarded  expenses for any period  would  therefore differ based  on  the
                         judgements or estimates made. An increase in provision for impairment of reeeivables and investment securities would increase
                         the Company's recarded expenses and decrease current assets.
                         (i)   Provision for impairment of receivables net of provisions written back amounted ta $12,000 (2016 -$9,745). Receivables
                             which were written-off from receivables amounted ta $8,513 (2016 -$5,249). Receivables, net of provision for impairment
                             of receivables, amounted ta $203,461 (2016 -$89,504).

                         (ii)  Provision  for impairment of investment securities:  loans  and  receivables was  $Nil (2016 - $Nil).  Investment securities:
                             loans and receivables, net of provision for impairment on investment securities:  loans and  reeeivables, was  $1,201,487
                             (2016 -$1, 180,503)(Note 7).
                      (b)  Fair value measurement
                          Management uses valuation techniques ta determine the fair value of financial instruments (where active market quotes are not
                         available)  and  non·financial  assets.  This  involves  developing  estimates  and  assumptions  consistent  with  how  market
                          participants would priee the instrument. Management bases its assumptions on observable data as far as possible but this is not
                         always available. In that case  management uses the best information available. Estimated fair values may vary from the actual
                          priees that would be achieved in an arm's length transaction at the reporting date (see Note 7).
                      (e)  Estimated usefullives
                         The  useful  life of each  of the Company's  property and  equipment is  estimated  based  on  the period  over which  the asset  is
                          expected ta be  available for  use.  Such  estimation  is based  on  a collective assessment of industry  practice,  internai  technical
                          evaluation and  experienee with  similar assets. The estimated  usefullife of  each asset is  reviewed  periodically and  updated  if
                          expectations differ from previous estimates due ta physical wear and  tear, or other limits on the use of the is possible,
                          however, that future  results of operations  could  be  materially  affected  by  changes  in  the amounts and  timing  of  recorded
                          expenses brought about by changes in the fadors menlioned above. A reduction in the estimated usefullife of any property and
                          equipment wou Id increase the recorded depreciation expense and decrease non·current assets.
                      (d)  Assetimpairment
                          IFRS requires that an impairment review be performed when certain impairment indicators are present. ln purchase accounting,
                          estimation and judgement are used in the allocation of the purchase price to the fair market values of the assets purchases and
                          liabilities assumed. Likewise, determining fair value of assets requires the  estimation of cash flows expected  to  be generated
                         from the continued use of the ultimate disposition of such assets.
                      Non-cu rrent assets that are subjected to impairment testing when impairment indicators are present are as follows:
                                                                                      2017          2016
                                                                                         $             $
                      Investment securities: loans and reeeivables (Note 7)         442,714        442,714
                      Investment securities: available-for·sale (Note 7)             44,444         53,333
                      Property and equipment (Note 9)                               648,729        671,371
                      Inveslmenl property (Note  10)                                213,440        228,879

                                                                                   1,349,327     1,396,297
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