Page 46 - Annual Report 2017
P. 46

December 31, 2017
                                                                                 (expressed in United States Dollars)

                                                                                      2017          2016
                                                                                         $             $
                   7  Investment securities

                      loans and  receivables: short term:

                      Term deposits                                                 758,773        737,789

                      loans and  receivables:
                      Long term bonds                                               442,714        442,714

                                                                                   1,201,487      1,180,503

                      Bonds are due ta mature in 2023 · 2024 bearing an interest rate of 4.625%.

                      Available ·for·sale

                      Equity securities
                      At beginning of the year                                       53,333         44,444
                      (Loss)/gain fram change in fair value (Note 16)                (8,889)         8,889
                      At end ofthe year                                              44,444         53,333

                      Fair value measurement of financial instruments

                      Fair values of these bonds have been estimated by reference to observable data at the reporting date and are categorised within Level
                      2 of the fa ir value hierarchy.

                      The available·for-sale equity investment securities comprise 6,000 shares of St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited valued at EC$24 per
                      share at December 31 , 2017. These have been estimated by reference to quoted  bid priees in active markets at the reporting date and
                      are categorised within Levell of the fa ir value hierarchy.

                   8  Other current assets

                      Prepayments                                                    15,941         19,988
   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51