Page 45 - Annual Report 2017
P. 45

December 31, 2017
               (expressed  in  United States Dollars)

                                                                                   2017          2016
                                                                                      $             $
                5  Cash

                   Cash on hand                                                      185           185
                   Cash in banks                                                 503,326        387,113
                   Short term deposits                                           321,111        320,371

                                                                                 824,622        707,669
                   Short term deposits of US$321 , 111 we made up oflreasury Bills which matured on January 24, 2018.

                6  Trade and other receivables

                   Trade receivables                                             217,881         77,271
                   Provision for impairment of receivables                       (24,852)       (21,365)

                                                                                 193,029         55,906
                   Other receivables                                              23,250         33,598

                                                                                 216,279         89,504
                   The credit quality of receivables is assessed by reference to historical information about cQunterparty default rates. These receivables
                   pertain to existing members and  non-members with sorne pa st defaults but fully recovered.
                   As of Decomber 31, 2017, trade  receivables of $216,415 (2016 · $65,183)were pa st due but not impaired. The ageing analysis of
                   these trade receivables is as follows:
                   31- 60 days                                                     4,243         24,234
                   61  -90 days                                                   19,860         11,242
                   Over 90 days                                                  192,312         29,707
                   At end of year                                                216,415         65,183

                   Ali amounts are short-term. The net carrying value of trade receivables is considered a reasonable approximation for fair value.
                   The individually impaired receivables are mainly related to counterparties which are in unexpectedly difficult economic situations or
                   whose collectability are not probable based  on the assessment of the Company's management. The Company has also used the full
                   provision for these impaired  receivables during the year ended December 31, 2017 and 2016.
                   Movement on the Company's provision for impairment of trade and other receivables follows:
                   At beginning of year                                           21 ,365        16,889
                   Provision for impairment of receivablesl
                     (write bock) during the year, net (Note 14)                  12,000          9,725
                   Written-off during the year                                    (8,51 3)       (5,249)

                   At end of year                                                 24,852         21,365
                   The  creation  and  release  of  provision for  impaired  receivables have  been  included  in  general  and  administrative  expenses in the
                   statement  of  comprehensive  income.  Amounts  charged  to the  allowance  account  are  generally  written  off  when there is  no
                   expectation of recovering additional cash.
                   The other classes within trade and other receivables do not contain impaired assets.
                   The maximum exposure to credit risk at December 31, 2017 and 2016 is the fair value of each class of receivables mentioned above.
                   The Company does not hold any collateral as security.
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