Page 48 - Annual Report 2017
P. 48

December 31, 2017
                                                                                 (expressed in United States Dollars)

                                                                                      2017          2016
                                                                                         $             $
                   10 Investment property

                      Carryi ng amount at beginning of year                         228,879        244,318
                      Depreciation (Note 13)                                        (15,439)       (15,439)
                      Carryi ng amount at end of year                               213,440        228,879

                      The  cost and  accumulated  depreciation  of  investment property  amounted  to S385,971  and  S175,531  (2016  - S385,971  and
                      S157,092), respectively.

                      The  lease contracts are ail  non-cancellable for 1 year trom  the commencement of the lease. Management believes that the ca rryi ng
                      value of the investment property approximates its fair value.

                      The following amounts have been  recognised  in the statement of comprehensive income:

                      Rentai income (Note 15)                                        61 ,806        67,374

                   11  Trade and other payables

                      Trade payables                                                 54,435         89,062
                      Accruals                                                      397,109        221,479
                      Haiti Disaster Fund  Reserve                                   38,055        104,533
                      Rentai deposits                                                 5,287         5,097

                                                                                    494,886        420,171

                      Haiti disaster fund  represents contribution trom  members towards restoration of the Haitian energy sector following the devastating
                      earthquake in Haiti in January 2010.

                      Ali amounts are short-term. The carrying values of trade and other payables are considered to be a reasonable approximation forfair value.

                   12 Reserves

                      The Hurricane Reserve was established for the CARILEC membership with the intent to give joint man power assistance to an electric
                      utility that has suffered  hurricane damage. Effective December 31, 2009, the Board  of Directors approved that the account title be
                      changed to Disaster Fund  Reserve to include assistance to the members that have suffered other disaster damages.

                      ln  accordance  with  resolutions  of  the  Board  of  Directors,  member utility companies  are required  to contribute to this fund  on  an
                      annual basis, and payments from the fund are to be made in accordance with the CARllEC Dimter Action Plan (CDAP). The fund is also
                      invested in the short·term  investment securities to generate income for the fund.
                      Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors on June 16, 2003, the administrativefee was changed to USS10,000 per annum. ln
                      addition, a mobilisation charge of US$1 ,000 plus a restoration  co-ordination fee based on  5.0% of direct claims and disbursements
                      from the fund is recognised as "Other income" of CARllEC.

                      Transactions on the Company's disaster fund  reserve du ring the year follows:
                      Membership contributions                                       59,400         81,000
                      Disbursement to members                                      (202,565)      (102,294)
                      Administrative fee (Note 15)                                  (10,000)       (10,000)
                      Interest income                                                30,296         21,660
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