Page 49 - Annual Report 2017
P. 49

December 31 , 2017
               (expressed in  United States Dollars)

                                                                                   2017           2016
                                                                                      $              $
                13 General and administrative expenses

                   Employee benefit expense (Note  14)                           493,856        492,762
                   Board expenses                                                 79,455         57,304
                   Utilities                                                      59,543         62,106
                   Depreciation (Note 9 and 10)                                   59,139         60,650
                   Equipment, repairs and  maintenance                            40,060         57,200
                   Other expenses                                                 24,334         24,622
                   Insu rance and licence tees                                    17,922         18,335
                   Legal and professional fees                                    17,062         36,368
                   Training expenses                                              15,11 3         6,601
                   Bank charges                                                   13,360         13,009
                   Bad debts                                                      12,000          9,725
                   Printing, postage and stationery                                7,584         21 ,289
                   Motor and travel                                                6,807          5,659
                   Publication expenses                                            6,181          5,797
                   Advertising and promotion                                         573          8,846

                                                                                 852,989        880,273
                14 Employee benefit expense

                   Salaries and wages                                            43Q,487        431,327
                   Social security (osts                                          11,318         10,635
                   Other staff costs                                              52,051         50,800
                                                                                 493,856        492,762

                15 Other income - net

                   Rentai income (Note  10)                                       61 ,806        67,374
                   Administrative fee (Note  12)                                  10,000         10,000
                   Foreign exchange 1055 - net                                    (6,948)        (3,573)
                   Miscellaneous - net                                             9,621         28,089
                                                                                  74,479        101,890

                16 Finance cost - net
                   Interest expense (Note  12)
                   Interest incorne                                              (20,457)       (23,244)
                                                                                 (20,457)       (23,244)

                17 Related party transactions
                   Key management compensation
                   Key  management  comprises  directors, divisional  management, and  senior  management of the  Company. Compensation  of  key
                   management personnel were as follows:

                   Salaries and other short-term employee benefits               272,780        280,266
                   Other benefits                                                 61 ,074        49,405

                                                                                 333,854        329,671
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