Page 36 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 36

When operating on liquid propane with the

                        required amount of pilot diesel oil or on diesel fuel,
                          the THC production is estimated to be less then
                                    <130 ppm-vol. as CH  @ 15% O  dry.
                                                                   3             2

               In the W32 and W32LG engines, application of Miller   SO  emissions are expected to be well below 3 ppm–
               (advanced intake valve closure) cycle is effectively   vol. dry at 15% O
               reducing NOx emissions of diesel engines at medium
               and high loads. Up to 30% NOx reduction is achieved   THC EMISSIONS
               with single-stage turbocharging system.  In the   Total Hydrocarbon (THC): In the context of this paper,
               earlier applications of the Miller cycle there was   the 32LG engine will be burning liquid propane with
               some performance deterioration -  to some degree   ultra-low sulphur diesel oil (<5%) as pilot fuel and at
               at low load (increased smoke, high component   other times will burn ultra-low sulphur diesel oil only
               temperatures, worse load pick-up capability) due   (anticipated as a back-up fuel in situations where
               to air deficiency.  However, this has been mitigated   propane is not available).  When operating on liquid
               by the introduction of Wärtsilä’s variable inlet valve   propane with the required amount of pilot diesel oil
               closing timing (VIC) in relation to engine load resulting   or on diesel fuel, the THC production is estimated
               in optimum performance of the Miller cycle over the   to be less then <130 ppm-vol. as CH  @ 15% O  dry.
                                                                                            3        2
               whole load range of the engine.                THC emissions are coming from unburned or partly
                 Considering  all  of  these  factors,  Wärtsilä  has   combusted fuel (including pilot fuel) and lubrication
               designed the W32 and the W32LG engine with two   oil. The THC composition will thus vary dependent
               ratings: (i)  an  emission rated model where NOx   on the fuel used, when burning LPG there will be
               emitted is limited to 710 ppm –vol. dry at 15% O .,   lighter hydro carbons present in the THC fraction
               and (ii) an efficiency rated model where the efficiency   compared to diesel operation. VOC is per definition;
               of the engine is optimized and NOx production is   Non Methane Non Ethane hydrocarbons and for
               >710  ppm.    The  W32LG  engine  being  offered  to   engines burning diesel fuel or LPG most of the THC
               WAPA is emission rated.                        can thus be considered to be present as VOC in the
               PM EMISSIONS
               Particulate  matter  emission  is  influenced  mostly   COMPARISONS ACROSS THE W32/34
               by the ash and Sulphur content in the fuel. PM   ENGINE PLATFORM
               emissions are also reduced by optimal fuel injection   Although focused on the 32LG engine, this paper
               control.                                       has  examined  the  thermodynamics  associated
                                                              with  the  entire  Wärtsilä  32/34  engine  platform,
               SO2 EMISSIONS                                  which we believe is fundamental to understanding
               SO   emissions  is  mainly  based  on  the  sulphur   the  emissions  associated  with  the  32LG  engine.
               content in the fuel. However, the engine lubricating   Consequently, we have appended (Appendix 1) a
               oil contains some sulphur contributing to some   table that compares all of the engine types in this
               SO  emissions.  In the WAPA case, where ultra-low   platform.  The table shows raw (primary) emission
               sulphur diesel (max 15 ppm S) is the fuel of choice   data from the engines in various units and also EPA
               and the LPG is assumed to be free of odorants, the   AP-42 values.

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