Page 37 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 37


                                           Table 2 Performance Wartsila 32LG on LPG and LFO (ULSD)

                   Fuel type                                         LPG                   LFO (ULSD)

                   Engine RPM                                        720                   720
                   Gross Generating Set Output at Generator terminals Site conditions:   8,757 kWe      9,370 kWe
                   Net Generating Set Output  at MV Buss             8,556 kWe             9,186 kWe
                   Heat Rate/Efficiency at Generator terminals         7,825 BTU/kWh  43.6%   7,743 BTU/kWh  44.1%
                   Net Heat rate/Efficiency at MV Buss               8,008 BTU/kWh  42.6%   7,899 BTU/kWh  43.2%

                                                  Site conditions: 30 deg. C and 10 m ASL

                   EMISSION ABATEMENT TECHNOLOGY –                achievable level of a few ppm as the supplementary
                   WAPA 20V32 LG ENGINE PLANT                     fuel input is bigger and the oxidation of it is limited
                   The expected performance and emissions of the   to about 99.5%. CO reduction is limited by the bed
                   20V32LG engine being considered for the WAPA   temperature and will be at a level of max 30 ppm-vol.
                   project have been discussed earlier in this paper   dry at 15% O . Propane is giving a slightly lower RTO
                   and shown in Tables 1 and 2 above.             bed temperature then what methane would give.
                                                                  The VOC and CO emission figures after the RTO will
                   NOx - Despite the primary NOx reduction employed   be similar  in  both  LPG  and  diesel  fuel  operation
                   on the 32LG (Miller Cycle and tuning as described   mode.
                   earlier), as with most compression ignition diesel
                   engines  burning  liquid  fuels,  selective  catalytic   CONCLUSION
                   reduction (SCR) technology is usually necessary to   WAPA as an island utility, has made a commitment
                   meet compliance levels in the US and US territories.    to utilizing propane as the primary fuel for power
                   One SCR per 32LG engine will be deployed on the   generation with diesel oil as a back-up fuel.  WAPA
                   WAPA plant with a 95% reduction efficiency to reach   is  already  operating  a  21  MW  LPG  (3  x20V34SG-
                   a NOx as NO  level of max 35 ppm–vol. dry at 15%   LPG) fired power plant utilizing vaporized propane.
                   O  and an ammonia slip not exceeding 10 ppm–vol.   The 32 LG engine provides the dual fuel capability,
                   dry at 15% O . The SCR uses either a solution of   being able to operate on liquid propane with diesel
                   ammonia or urea as reagent.                    oil as a back-up fuel.  Furthermore, the 32 LG is
                                                                  the ideal choice (when compared to a combustion
                   VOC /THC and CO - In the case of Volatile Organic   turbine) due to its excellent simple cycle efficiency
                   Compounds  (VOCs)  –  including  any  volatile  non   at both 100% load and at part loads even in the
                   methane  or  non-ethane  unburnt  hydrocarbon   high ambient temperature conditions typical of
                   products from the combustion – each engine will   the USVI.  Furthermore, the 32LG (as well as the
                   be outfitted with a regenerative thermal oxidizer   other  engines  in  the  32/34  series)  with  its  fast
                   (RTO)  with  a  typical  THC  destruction  efficiency   starting and loading capabilities also makes it ideal
                   above 98%. The RTO will convert VOC’s and CO to   for maintaining system stability on weak grids
                   carbon dioxide and water. The RTO will use LPG   and where increasing levels of wind and or solar
                   as supplementary fuel both during operation and   penetration are anticipated.
                   stand by to preserve the heat in the ceramic oxidizer     The  32LG  plant  being  offered  to  WAPA  will  be
                   bed. The temperature increase over the RTO during   equipped with emission abatement equipment to
                   operation is typically around 55°F.            mitigate both  NOx  emissions (utilizing SCR) and
                     At very low inlet THC concentrations the final THC   volatile organic compounds (utilizing RTO) in order
                   emission level after the RTO is reaching a minimum   to meet compliance levels.

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