Page 41 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 41

                            ▶  A rapid solution to meet rising expectations for power quality
                            ▶  A prioritized approach to preparing the grid for future extreme weather events
                            ▶  An intelligent system for optimizing the work of limited staff and field crews
                            ▶  A simple way to present compelling data for infrastructure

                   UTILITIES DESERVE THIS HELP                    to get ahead of never-ending maintenance cycles. It
                   The work of the Caribbean electric utility is more   does not help that staff numbers are constrained,
                   challenging than ever as budgets and staff are   and baby boomers are retiring, taking their skills and
                   squeezed,  the  distribution  grid  becomes  more   network knowledge with them.
                   complex, and service expectations continue to rise.     Distributed generation promises to complicate the
                   Sustained outages receive the most urgent attention,   distribution network further, while also cutting into
                   but the cumulative impact of momentary outages is   revenues, and a string of equipment failures, storms
                   arguably more problematic. In 2005, researchers at   or other problems can cause overtime costs to get
                   Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory  estimated   out of hand quickly. As if these problems were not
                   momentary outages of less than five minutes cost   enough, increasing wildfires and extreme weather
                   the U.S economy $52 billion—twice the impact of   events have caused an intense new set of worries for
                   sustained outages.                             distribution utilities who desperately need solutions
                     Since 2005, the number of outages and the    for mitigating legal and catastrophic risks.
                   economic costs have only increased. For instance,
                   a Ponemon Institute study   estimated the per-  FORTUNATELY, WE CAN WORK SMARTER
                                           3 4
                   minute cost of a power outage at a U.S. data center   Data analytics is the key to addressing the array of
                   increased from $5,617 in 2010 to $8,851 in 2016.   challenges utilities currently face. Tantalus developed a
                   Traditional manufacturing industries like plastics,   simple analytics solution for smaller Caribbean electric
                   semiconductors and perishable foods also stand to   utilities that do not have the same financial and human
                   lose thousands of dollars in product as the result   resources of large corporate utilities. It can be used to
                   of momentary outages. As a result, economic    quickly investigate one-off distribution problems, or
                   development in a community is linked to the utility’s   employed comprehensively to optimize the work of
                   ability to provide uninterrupted service.      every field crew and justify every strategic investment.
                     Advanced home electronics mean a community’s     “We designed TUNet Grid Reliability Analytics to
                   residential customers are also more sensitive   give the benefits of advanced smart grid operations
                   than  ever  to  minor  power  blinks.  With  millions   to utilities that don’t have a dedicated team of data
                   of customers working and schooling from home   scientists and engineers to perform analytics,”
                   because of the COVID-19 pandemic, disrupted    said Frank Geiger, the Tantalus engineer who led
                   internet connections have become more than     the development of the tool. “Backoffice staff and
                   just a minor inconvenience. The power needs of   field  crews  can  use  the  tool  to  make  day-to-day
                   community hospitals are even more critical. Back-  investigative and maintenance tasks simpler. Or they
                   up generators kick in to power medical equipment   can just set it and forget it.”
                   during  sustained  outages,  but  just  a  30-second     The TUNet analytics tool continually monitors
                   outage can be dangerous to a patient on a ventilator.  power-quality  in  concert  with  all  meters  and
                     Utilities propose capital investments to upgrade   devices on the Tantalus TUNet AMI network with
                   equipment, but they often lack the data necessary   TRUEdge technology. When a branch touches a line,
                   to convince budget-minded city managers and coop   or  equipment  begins  to  malfunction,  the  system
                   boards. Then there is the challenge of fixing aging   registers even small anomalies in the waveform
                   infrastructure. Utilities often find themselves stuck   data. When a pattern is detected, the system sends
                   in a reactive cycle—patching up one problem before   an email notification with a link to all the information
                   scrambling to cover the next—while doing their best   necessary for quick investigation. This means the tool

                   2    LaCommare, Kristina Hamachi, and Joseph H. Eto. “Cost of Power Interruptions to Electricity Consumers in the United States.”
                        Energy, Vol. 31. Elsevier: April 7, 2005.
                   3    Ponemon Institute, 2016 Cost of Data Center Outages
                   4     Ponemon Institute, Cost of Data Center Outages

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