Page 59 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 59

                   Early Developments: Scoping for the Caribbean IUS Model (Phases I and II)
                   Work towards the implementation of the IUS Model in the Caribbean has been undertaken in three (3) Phases;
                   the first two are completed while the third is currently underway.

                   During Phase I, the general concept for the IUS Model for the region was successfully developed in consultation
                   with regional and national stakeholders.

                                                         w. regulated WACC,
                                             Regulator  Opt-in on-bill refinance tariff
                                                          tied to meter
                                     IUS Market Platform                Utility      Debt         Finance
                                     On-bill customized tariff, tied to meter      Principal + Interest  Institutes
                                            Electricity cost Savings - DR Payments

                            Clients:       Opt.: DR Resources incl. storage, EV, etc
                            -Public Sector                          CAPEX + O&M
                            -Residential                                Pre-qualification  Quality assurance
                            -Industrial Sector
                                            Installation + O&M + sM&V
                                 Independent Advice
                                                                      Technical Energy
                                                                      Service Providers   Contracts
                                                                                        Energy Service
                                                                                         Cash Flows
                                            Facilitators (Opt)
                                            independent M&V

                                            Figure 1: IUS Open Market Platform Model (Bleyl et al. 2017)

                   The base model for the IUS in the Caribbean       The utility pays the upfront capital cost to any
                   considered  the  experiences and lessons  learned      pre-qualified technology service provider (of the
                   from the 5 IUS models and programs currently      customer’s choice).
                   implemented in several regions and markets
                   worldwide. The general IUS Model for the Caribbean   •  Regulator –  Through  a  rate  hearing  or  tariff
                   centres on an open market platform for EE, RE and      submission, approves the on-bill tariff to be
                   DR projects. Based on the goals stated earlier, the      implemented by the utility to support the IUS
                   open market platform model was developed for the   model.
                   Caribbean and is illustrated in the figure below:
                      In this open market platform model, the regulator   •  Utility  Customers  –  Customers  interested  in
                   and the utility agree on a voluntary “opt-in on-bill      implementing demand-side EE or RE project behind
                   tariff” for utility investments behind the meter. The      the meter. The technology solutions are dependent
                   optional  and  voluntary  on-bill  tariff  becomes  an      on the customer’s choice and preference (potentially
                   additional line item on the electricity bill, only for      within a utility-defined framework of options).
                   those customers who choose to participate in the
                   programme. It is customised based on the utility’s   •  Technology Service Providers (TSP) – Qualified
                   investment volume at the customer’s facility.      TSPs  offer  the  technology  solutions  and  are
                                                                     responsible for the planning, installation, operation
                   The main actors in the open market platform       and maintenance of the equipment, and in some
                   model are:                                        cases, a simplified measurement and verification.
                   •  Utility - Based on a regulator-approved on-bill
                      tariff, the utility offers to invest in demand-side RE   •  Facilitators – Independent entities who will offer
                      and  EE  projects  on  behalf  of  its  customers.      independent advice to potential IUS customers.

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