Page 61 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 61

▶  Customer-Side Economic – Payments and Savings  costs—more choice for consumers, which is
                                                                   incredibly important. The opt-in system is entirely
                   ▶  Utility-side Economics – Funding and Revenue  voluntary.
                                                                      In terms of regional utilities, the IUS offers
                   ▶  Programme Administration and Design          a real opportunity to maintain relevance in an
                                                                   increasingly  technology-driven  environment,
                   ▶  Training,  Quality  Control  and  Monitoring/   with higher penetration for EE and RE on the
                      Verification                                 demand-side. As utilities are expected to lose
                                                                   revenues, ESCOs and energy services offer ways
                   Such a comprehensive approach is intended to yield   to unleash new revenue streams. Furthermore,
                   “real market analysis” and an investment pipeline   the utility benefits from a lower cost of capital,
                   and financing options for the respective countries.   economies  of  scale,  which  ultimately  attracts
                                                                   external partners and enhances the institutional
                   WHO BENEFITS?                                   capacity for undertaking EE and RE initiatives.
                   It is anticipated that the IUS model and its variations
                   will suitably capture the goals and internal capacity   FUTURE OUTLOOK
                   of the utilities as well as the regulatory structure(s)   Looking ahead, the objective is to institutionalise
                   within which they operate. In effect, the entire   the IUS Model, transferring ownership to a
                   Caribbean region can benefit from the widescale   regional institution such as the Caribbean
                   implementation of the IUS model.                Electric Utility Service Corporation (CARILEC)
                      By increasing sustainable energy production,   or the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy
                   delivery and use, CARICOM Member States will have   and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) to support the
                   a meaningful opportunity to decrease their (fossil)   long-term, independent rollout of the IUS Model
                   fuel consumption and boost their energy security.   throughout the Caribbean region.  It will also be
                   Furthermore, their dependence on fuel imports and   valuable to engage an independent entity such
                   all the contingent challenges posed will be decreased.   as  CROSQ  to  evaluate  suppliers  and  service
                   The IUS model also presents an actionable path to   providers involved in the IUS program.
                   clean economic growth, improving the quality of life      Supporting the institutionalisation of the IUS is
                   for all citizens. Thinking big picture allows Member   also a vital objective of the current third Phase of
                   States to take action towards mitigating greenhouse   the IUS Pilot Programme. The ultimate goal under
                   gas emissions and provide the basis for improving   this segment is to enable regional institutions
                   the resilience to the effects of climate change.   with the technical know-how to provide guidance
                      More specifically, this initiative has the potential   and advice on the IUS model to utilities and
                   to  yield  positive  benefits  for  utilities,  customers,   relevant stakeholders as the Model is upscaled
                   regulators, investors, financial institutions, technical   over time.
                   partners and energy service providers. Financial      This institutionalisation at the regional level will
                   institutions are integral to the re-financing aspects   facilitate the sustainable exchange of information
                   of the IUS program.                             and  lessons  with  key  actors,  integrating  this
                      Customers  will  enjoy  the  on-bill  financing  of   framework/model into energy planning scenarios,
                   modern energy services, which reduce their energy   knowledge sharing and broader rollout.

                      The IUS offers a pioneering, multi-stakeholder option for addressing challenges in the energy landscape.
                      Framed correctly, and piloted successfully, this can be a real game-changer for not merely proposing
                      RE and EE optimisations, but securing the funds to sustainably enhance regional energy production,
                      delivery, and use!
                         An IUS model, supported by an “appropriate mix” of energy policy-makers and utility decision-makers,
                      can provide an opportunity for utilities to remain relevant in the future with higher penetration of
                      demand-side EE and RE technologies. The ultimate beneficiaries are citizens, who could benefit from
                      the on-bill (and other) financing of modern energy services, which reduce their energy costs.

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