Page 56 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 56

               The IUS Pilot Programme aims to test and illustrate   that has not yet been sufficiently considered
               proof-of-concept of several variations of an open   regionally is the increasingly popular Energy Service
               market platform and utility-based ESCO Model that   Companies (ESCOs). ESCOs are an interesting vehicle
               makes renewable energy (RE), energy efficiency (EE)   for  addressing  regional  energy  security  and  EE
               and demand response (DR) projects more accessible   prerogatives. They advance EE enhancements that
               to the average consumer. The Pilot Programme tests   can generate energy savings in the long term for both
               variations of the IUS Models in each member state   businesses and domestic consumers and provide a
               and its capacity to:                           structured  means  for  coordinating  and  financing
                                                              sustainable energy projects.
               1.  Introduce a practical “delivery mechanism” for      Despite the potential and the existence of regional
                   demand-side EE, RE and DR projects behind the   demand  for  ESCO  services,  the  ESCO  Model  has
                   meter in the CARICOM region in order to implement   generally been hampered by its capital-intensive
                   energy policy goals.                       approach as well as the lack of capacity of existing
               2.  Facilitate a platform approach, which is open   energy service providers to supply the broad range
                   to  all  qualified  technology  suppliers  (not   of skills needed to successfully implement a full suite
                   primarily the utility), which generates additional   of projects under the ESCO Model. This, coupled with
                   business opportunities for project implementation.   the lack of awareness, knowledge and trust in the
               3.  Finance up-front investments secured through   ESCO Model, has impeded the growth and uptake
                   a regulated on-bill re-financing mechanism.  of  EE services.  “Utility-based  ESCOs” can play  a
               4.  Enable utilities to extend their business models   critical role as an intermediary between the energy
                    by providing energy services and scale up EE, RE   service  providers  and  (potential)  clients to  lower
                    and DR interventions.                     these barriers. They can help realise the latent and
               5.  Provide access to a regulated on-bill re-finance   apparent demand for ESCO services and contribute
                   mechanism to different utility customer    to achieving more sustainable energy uptake in the
                    segments voluntarily.                     region.
                                                                 The IUS model offers the opportunity to secure
               BACKGROUND                                     critical  financing  and  plug  the  technical  capacity
               On account of their status as Small Island Developing   gap. In this way, the Caribbean region has the
               States (SIDS), Caribbean nations face several   chance to effectively address the energy trilemma
               critical challenges, including energy security,   –  sustainability,  equity  and  security.  The  shifting
               disproportionately high reliance on imported fossil   energy service paradigm in the region presents an
               fuel energy sources, and limited access to affordable   interesting opportunity for utilities to “bridge the
               and  reliable  energy  services  in  many  territories.   divide” and become a new energy service structure
               Furthermore, relatively small populations and highly   player.
               fragmented, undiversified energy markets, intensify
               the energy challenges experienced by many Member   THE IDEA OF THE “UTILITY-BASED ESCO”
               States.                                        Utilities have an interest in replacing “lost revenues”
                  In a bid to address this confluence of challenges   with new revenues from energy services. Moreover,
               and respond to a rapidly evolving sustainable energy   utilities also have lower cost of capital, economies of
               landscape globally, many  CARICOM  governments   scale to drive the volume required to attract outside
               have  initiated  steps  towards implementing RE   partners and the institutional capacities required to
               programmes.  However,  EE  measures,  which  can   carry out these programmes. Thus, it would be in
               provide Member States with the meaningful      utility’s best interest to be actively involved in current
               opportunity to improve their energy security and   ESCO pilot projects to test and implement possible
               address many well-recognised energy challenges,   IUS  business  models.  The  idea  is  to  identify  and
               remain under-developed and under-utilised through   describe an IUS model – and the respective variants
               any measurable coordinated approach.           thereof – for the CARICOM region capable of meeting
                  Many measures can be adopted within existing   the needs of key stakeholders, including the utility,
               legislative frameworks.  One such mechanism    customer, regulator, investors, technology partners

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