Page 57 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 57

and energy service providers. The expectation is      Model, customers do not incur debt, as the source
                   that the IUS model will consist of variations that      of financing for the technology offerings typically
                   are linked to (and suitably capture) the goals and      come from the utility or an external capital partner
                   internal capacity of utilities and the regulatory      (public financing), therefore significantly
                   structure within which they operate.              expanding the potential customer base of
                      For instance, IUS Models on the Regulated Side      the utility as well as the level of participation of
                   of the business, such as an On-Bill Tariff (OBT)      customers in accessing RE/EE services.
                   structure,  can  service  multiple  sectors.  When
                   utility capital, whether debt or equity, is used to   •  Energy Services Charge (ESC): This new Model of
                   finance these projects, they are able to scale much      IUS is considered a new utility revenue model
                   more broadly than with public or grant funding.      rather than a financing model. In this Model, the
                   With this type of structure, the utility should be      utility deploys its capital to run the program and
                   able to earn a regulated rate of return on invested      owns as well as operates the distributed energy
                   capital. Additionally, customers are not required      resource (DER). The customer is charged an ESC
                   to take on debt and should see immediate bill      for the services offered. The customer, therefore,
                   savings. On this basis, a tariff can be attached      benefits  from  the  energy  service/technology
                   to the meter of the premises serviced under the      solutions and the ESC is tied to the electric power
                   Model and should be passed on to the customer      meter or physical property. This allows for the
                   until the investment is paid off.                 possibility of transferring the service to the next
                      With the IUS structure, the utility can utilise      property owner or tenant.
                   third-party service providers and technology
                   companies  as  implementation  partners.       •  On-Bill Financing (OBF): The OBF is also known
                   Alternately, the utility can also structure an Energy      as an on-bill loans mechanism, that, unlike the ESC
                   Service business as a subsidiary that operates      or OBT, is tied to an individual or entity rather than
                   “outside” of the regulated business. Regardless       the property or meter. The OBF is set at an interest
                   of the variant used, the basis for the Model would       rate set by the funding source, which is usually public
                   be an energy service contract between customer      financing or rate-payer funds. The customer’s credit
                   and utility.                                      is screened, and a lengthy application process for
                                                                     approval is involved. As a result of the loan financing
                   OK, BUT HOW?                                      mechanism, the customer does incur debt, and the
                   In general, the IUS model is considered a “delivery      loan is typically non-transferrable.
                   mechanism”  or  “implementation  mechanism”
                   for demand-side RE and EE projects, as well as   •  Metered EE Transaction Structure (MEETS): The
                   a new or additional business model for utilities      MEETS structure is designed to fracture the barriers
                   in a rapidly changing environment. In effect, it      to deep energy retrofits, specifically targeting the
                   provides a structured framework to coordinate      commercial sector. The yield from the metered EE at
                   and deliver a suite of energy services, using the      the customer’s facility is delivered to the utility rather
                   utility as a vehicle or the “glue” to coordinate all      than the customer’s facility, and the utility bills the
                   key players and stakeholders necessary for the      facility for the metered yield.
                   successful implementation of RE and EE projects.
                                                                  •  Energy Services Business (B2B): This Model is an
                   Generally, five types of IUS models are used to      unregulated IUS model and therefore sits outside of
                   facilitate the deployment of behind the meter      the regulated side of the utility’s business. Products
                   EE and RE solutions. According to Bleyl et al.      and services are provided directly to the customer,
                   (2017), these models inlude:                      and the financing and repayment mechanism is
                                                                     determined through standard contracts with the
                   •  On-Bill Tariff (OBT) model: The OBT is a voluntary       customer. This Model has typically been used to offer
                      and customised financing mechanism based       products and services to commercial and industrial
                      on the customer’s technology of choice tied to      customers but can also be extended to residential
                      a physical property or electric power meter. In this      customers.

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