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demonstrate that it embodies those beliefs through   a  solid  corporate  reputation  has  already  been
                   its  corporate  image  (the  feelings  and  emotions   established by the organisation.
                   the  organisation  transmits  to  audiences  through
                   everyday actions and decisions), corporate identity   1. Development of RE campaigns strategies should
                   (the decisions and actions the organisation executes,   be  approached  as  a  process  with  clearly  defined
                   which transmits the perception that it is committed   stages, to maximise effectiveness and impact;
                   towards a particular cause or fulfilling a specific goal)   2. Partnering and pooling of resources should be
                   and corporate reputation (the preceding legacy that   undertaken as often as possible to increase funding
                   permits audiences to positively react towards the   available for RE communications campaigns, as lack
                   organisation’s actions and even adopt and advocate   of funding currently represents a significant barrier
                   towards a similar stance, belief or policy).   to the development of more effective communication
                   Simply  put,  energy  sector  stakeholders  need  to
                   strategically  incorporate  RE  deployment  policies   3. Pre-campaign research in RE communications
                   and  plans  into  their  organisational  corporate   should be quite thorough, aimed at gaining a better
                   communications plan. The advancement of RE in   understanding  of  public  opinion  about  RE,  more
                   the Caribbean, or worldwide for that matter, will   precisely  defining  audience  segments,  and  the
                   not be accomplished through stand-alone and ad   development of specific, targeted communications
                   hoc media statements or occasionally disseminated   messages;
                   press releases. It must be embedded into the entity’s
                   corporate identity and culture, in order to become   4. Behavioural  economics    findings  should  be
                   synonymous  with  the  organisation’s  corporate   utilised in the development of RE communications
                   reputation.                                    strategies,  to  boost  campaign  impacts  on  raising
                                                                  awareness,  changing  behaviours,  and  influencing
                   A  few  actionable  steps  which  an  organisation   attitudes;
                   can employ to develop and maintain a corporate
                   reputation which supports the RE transition in the   5. More innovative and emotive messaging in
                   region include: funding RE research and innovation   RE communications would prompt more positive
                   projects,  awarding  grants  and  scholarships  to   responses. For example, a communications campaign
                   RE  undergraduate  and  postgraduate  students,   can be developed on customers’ testimonies of easily
                   incorporating RE and smart energy principles into   visible and profitable initiatives such as small-scale,
                   the its physical workplace or building, consistently   residential sustainable energy projects (i.e., roof-top
                   educating  its  audiences  on  the  benefits  of  RE   solar plants for self-generation and consumption).
                   transition through the publication of newsletters,   Active citizen involvement is a prerequisite for the
                   journals,  or  white  papers,  and  collaborating  with   society’s  willingness  to  support  energy  transition
                   local electric utilities, IPPs, and other energy-affiliated   and  for  the  further  “democratization”  of  the
                   entities  on  RE  advancement  initiatives  through   Caribbean’s energy market. This involvement should
                   financial or technical support. Most importantly, these   also encompass the planning and adoption of RE
                   steps need to be paired with a multi-stakeholder   supporting  and  regulatory  frameworks,  through
                   awareness campaign, to inform audiences of the   multi-stakeholder and public consultation processes,
                   organisation’s commitment towards RE transition,   which  should  also  be  highlighted  as  part  of  the
                   mirrored through such actions. Then alone will the   communications campaign;
                   necessary trust be established between the entity
                   and its publics; a healthy medium through which the   Sources
                   correct information on RE transition benefits, costs   1.  CARICOM Secretariat, 2017 Energy Report Card – CARICOM (2018)
                   and impacts can be effectively communicated.   2.  Centre for Climate and Energy Solutions, Renewable Energy (2020)
                                                                  3.  Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean,
                                                                     Sustainable Energy for all in the Caribbean (2016)
                                                                  4.  International Energy Agency (IEA) - Renewable Energy Technology
                   For greater insight on the development of an effective      Deployment (RETD), Communication Best Practices for Renewable
                                                                    Energy (2013)
                   RE transition campaign or communications strategy,     5.  International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Renewable
                   here are a few general guidelines. Preferably, these      Energy Jobs Continue Growth to 11.5 million Worldwide (2020)
                   recommendations would be most effective where   6.  Tench and Yeomans, Exploring Public Relations (2017)
                                                                  7.  The Guardian, What is Behavioural Economics? (2017)

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