Page 39 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
P. 39

MS:  You  are  absolutely  right.  Let  me  cut  to  the   EP: You hit the nail on the head. Who pays for this?
                   chase, who pays for it? Consumers pay for it. There   A  couple  of  years  ago  I  gave  a  presentation  at  a
                   is ultimately no other source of revenue for a utility   conference. The title of the paper was “The true cost
                   company apart from customers. The mandate of a   of renewables.” These are some of the things I was
                   utility company in the Caribbean is least-cost service   discussing. The customer is paying for this. If you
                   to its customers. That is a very delicate balancing   take a holistic view of renewable integration what
                   act between trying to implement the very laudable   we’re seeing in the industry today is that you have
                   targets of shifting generation to renewables, while   various renewable promoters offering renewables
                   maintaining reliability and doing it at a least-cost   as a least-cost solution. While that can be true, if
                   basis.  The  question  is  very  valid.  It’s  difficult  to   you look at it as a stand-alone system, installation
                   plan and install assets that may require 20 years to   costs on a dollar-per-kilowatt basis are much lower
                   amortize the cost of those assets, knowing that in   now, even lower than thermal today. However, to
                   10 years technology may have completely changed   hit the nail on the head here, once you take that
                   the  playing  field.  I  think  that’s  where  everyone   installation and put it in your system, then from our
                   needs to be on board. Regulators, governments,   view, the right way to assess the impact is to look
                   consumer stakeholders, and utilities all need to be   at it (renewables) on a system-wide basis instead of
                   on board and be talking about this and understand   a stand-alone basis. By that I mean, how does the
                   what goes into providing reliable electricity service   injection of renewables affect the bottom line to the
                   at the least cost.                             end-user. This is often overlooked.

                   FP: The principle goes both ways. If you’re thinking   Planners these days are not looking at the fact that
                   about  how  you  amortize  a  large  investment  in   injecting  renewables  in  the  system  now  changes
                   thermal  today  that  may  not  be  necessary  in  20   the upgrading profile of the existing plants. To the
                   years, you also have to think about how you justify   negative,  now  that  you  have  renewables  in  the
                   spending X amount of upfront now knowing that it   system, an intermittent form of generation, then the
                   won’t cover your energy needs for the next five years.    existing thermal is forced to operate at sub-optimal
                   You’re going to need thermal. How you spend the   points. They are forced to operate at points in their
                   capital when customers ultimately pay for it is key.  operating  profile  where  they  are  least  efficient.

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