Page 13 - CE JOURNAL FEB 2024 ISSUE 20
P. 13

Figure 6 shows that Light Residential make up the largest customer base for Unlicensed Self Generators
                   followed  by  Small  Commercial.  Despite  this,  Figures  7  and  8  show  Light  Commercial  Customers  have
                   higher Peak Exports than the other 2 major rate classes in question. This is expected as the total installed
                   system capacity is larger for Light Commercial than it is for the other 2 rate classes. The installed system
                   capacity for Large Commercial customers is generally larger per customer as expected. However, there is a
                   significantly smaller number of Large Commercial Customers than there are Small Commercial Customers. The
                   characteristics of Net Billing customers are similar to that of Unlicensed Self Generators. Light Residential Net
                   Billing customers once again comprise the majority of Self Generators however, Small Commercial dominates
                   in terms of Peak Export and Installed System Capacity. The Total Installed System Capacity is approximately

                              Figure 6. Chart showing the number of customers who are acting as unlicensed self-generators by rate class.

                           Figure 7. Chart showing the estimated installed capacity for customers who are acting as unlicensed self-generators

   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18