Page 37 - CARILEC Electricity Tariff - December 2014
P. 37

Fuel Price
                                                           Hedging       Fuel Supply Logistics And    Fuel Alternatives
         Name of Utility   Impacts Of Fuel Price Volatility
                                                         Initiative(s)          Challenges             And Prospects
                                                          layered at
                                                        10% - 20% per
                                                          layer, with
                                                           10% left
                                                                                                     Grenlec currently has
                                                                                                       0.18 MW of PV
                                                                                                         installed for
                                                                                                      generation and is in
                                                                                                    the process of building
                                                                       PetroCaribe operates a tank farm   further PV
                                                                       adjacent to the Power plant which   capacity. Also studies
                         None on the company, entire cost
           GRENLEC                                           No        heavily minimizes the challenges   are being conducted to
                          of fuel passed on to the customer.
                                                                             in supply logistics.     have both wind and
                                                                                                     alternatives added to
                                                                                                      the system. We are
                                                                                                     also exploring LNG
                                                                                                        and methanol.

                          1.  High utility bills, which
                             results in high receivables and
                             sometimes drives bad debt
                                                                         Fuel is supplied to us by the
                          2.  Need for increase working
                                                                        national oil refinery Petrojam.
                                                                        This is transported to different
                          3.  Foreign exchange exposure
                                                                       location through different means
                          4.  Increase propensity for theft
                                                                         such a trucking, pipeline and
                             of service (high systems                        storage facilities.     LNG and natural gas
             JPSCO           losses).                        Yes                                     liquid market – LPG

                          5.  Increase fuel penalty due to                                           (propane or butane).
                                                                         Challenge: JPOs has limited
                             under-recovery of fuel cost
                                                                       storage facilities and has existing
                             due to increased system
                                                                       fuel delivery channels which are
                                                                             difficult to change.
                          6.  Reduction in electricity sales
                             due to the impact of price of
                             elasticity of demand.

                                                         Currently we
                                                         hedge using
                                                        swaps for 75%
                                                            of the                                   Exploring indigenous
           LUCELEC                     -                  estimated                 -                  sources such as
                                                         consumption                                     geothermal
                                                        on a rolling 12
                                                         month period.

                                                                          Small deliveries by ship to
                           None – managed through fuel
             MUL                                             No        Supplier. Deliveries every other     No
                                                                           day to site by supplier.

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