Page 36 - CARILEC Electricity Tariff - December 2014
P. 36

Fuel Price
                                                           Hedging       Fuel Supply Logistics And    Fuel Alternatives
         Name of Utility   Impacts Of Fuel Price Volatility
                                                         Initiative(s)          Challenges             And Prospects
                                                                              capacity and reserve
                                                                           quantities result in approx.
                                                                            four shipments per year.

                                                                       8.  Single ocean berth subject to
                                                                             weather delays (winter

                                                                       9.  Nine mile long single 6” un-
                                                                           insulated/unheated pipeline
                                                                           between terminal and utility
                                                                          storage tanks used to transfer
                                                                            HFO and diesel limiting
                                                                                HFO viscosity.

                         Fuel accounts for more than 50% of
                          customer’s bills through the Fuel
             BLPC        Clause Adjustment. Volatility in the   No                                           -
                         price of fuel therefore influence the
                               demand for energy.
                             Customers’ bills fluctuate
                          accordingly, and as a direct result,
                          sales revenue increase when fuel                          -                   Propane gas
            BVIEC                                            No                                         Wind & Solar
                            prices increase and likewise

                         decrease when fuel prices decrease.

                                                                       Fuel arrives by ship. Suppliers are
                           Rapid Fuel Price increases and               next to the seaport, where it is
                         subsequent electricity rate increases         offloaded. Fuel is then piped via
             CUC         can cause unplanned hardships on a   Yes      underground pipeline to company   Natural Gas
                            number of commercial and                      storage tanks. Associated
                              residential customers.                   challenges include rough weather
                                                                        and occasional pipeline dig ins.
                                                                       Fuel is delivered via tank trucks
                         Makes cash flow management more                to our facility; one of 2 diesel
                         challenging; it also affect customers          plants is located some 30 miles   Geothermal
           DOMLEC                                            No
                           and result in increased high bill           from the supplier’s facility with   Solar by 2018
                                   complaints.                         limited storage, therefore frequent
                                                                           deliveries are required.

                                                                                                     Exploring natural gas
                                                                          There’s no deep water port in
                                                                                                        as a potential
                                                                           Providenciales resulting in
                         Impact on fuel cost recovery which                                           alternative to diesel
                                                                              multiple smaller ship
                           can be received negatively or                                               but the costs and
            FORTIS                                           No            deliveries which impacts the
                         positively by customers depending                                           logistics do not make
                                                                           base price components and
                          on the direction of the fuel price.                                        it a good prospect at
                                                                             efficiency of delivery.      this time.

                          Negative due to the uncertainty it   Financial   Fuel is received via pipeline, very
                                                                                                        Solar & CNG
             GBPC         causes, especially with industrial   hedges on      few challenges

                                   customers.               future
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