Page 34 - CARILEC Electricity Tariff - December 2014
P. 34

Fuel Price
         Name of Utility   Fuel Type(s)   Fuel Supplier   (US$/Barrel                Basic Price Components
                                                         includes taxes)
                                                            average -     Indexable and Non-Indexable Premium, Environmental
                                                          US$83.71 per   Levy, Special Consumption Tax, Customs Administrative
                                                             barrel                           Fees.
                                                            Full year
                                                         average US$125
                                                           per barrel.
                                                          Dec month –
                                                          US$58.25 per      US Golf Coast Average mean, Freight, Insurance,
                                                             barrel       Indexable and Non-Indexable Premium, Environmental
                           No 6 HFO         Petrojam
                                                            Full year    Levy, Special Consumption Tax, Customs Administrative
                                                            average                           Fees.
                                                          US$93.05 per
           LUCELEC           Diesel     Buckeye Partners       -          Suppliers price + GOSL levy of EC$0.5 per imp gallon
             MUL             Diesel          Delta         Varies daily                    Platt’s index
           NVGEBE              -               -               -                                -
            SKELEC           Diesel                            -                                -
                                          National Gas
            T&TEC         Natural Gas                          -                                -
                                                                         50% of No. 2 fuel avg. quotations for the “US Gulf Coast
                                                                         Waterborne” as published by Platts plus 50% of Heating
                                                                           Oil from the avg. quotations for the “US Gulf Coast
           VIWAPA            No. 2          VITOL           $115.41
                                                                             Waterborne” as published by Argus. Result then
                                                                           multiplied by .42 to convert to dollars per barrel plus
                                                                                     $11.94 per bbl for delivery.

               BEL: Fuel purchased at avg. price of US 3.31 per gallon with conversion from total gallons purchased to barrel using a factor of 42

               DOMLEC: Purchases fuel in I.G, hence fuel price is reported above in US$/I.G; - the average for 2014 and for Dec 2014

                                  Table 16: FOSSIL FUEL SUPPLY STRATEGIES AND CHALLENGES

                                                          Fuel Price
                                                           Hedging       Fuel Supply Logistics And    Fuel Alternatives
         Name of Utility   Impacts Of Fuel Price Volatility
                                                         Initiative(s)          Challenges             And Prospects
                                                                        Fuel is delivered to the Power
                                                                        Stations by sea and road.  The
                                                                                                        Pursuing RE;
                                                                          road supply is challenged
                                                                       sometimes with traffic because of   Negotiating a 10MW
                         Fluctuations in fuel price passed on                                         solar system (to be
             APUA                                            No        the size of the trucks.  Also, fuel
                                  to consumers.                                                     installed in phases and
                                                                        delivery is only done in the day
                                                                                                    at different locations).
                                                                          by road for safety reasons.

                            As per Dec 2014 16% of the       No                     -                 By 2020 200GWh
         AQUALECTRA  produced power was independent of                                               wind and 100 GWh

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