Page 35 - CARILEC Electricity Tariff - December 2014
P. 35

Fuel Price
                                                           Hedging       Fuel Supply Logistics And    Fuel Alternatives
         Name of Utility   Impacts Of Fuel Price Volatility
                                                         Initiative(s)          Challenges             And Prospects
                                the fuel volatility.                                                 PV, which will make
                                                                                                     60% of the generated
                                                                                                     power independent of
                                                                                                      the fuel volatility.
                                                                       Through contract, fuel is received
                          The greatest impact relates to the
                                                                         monthly in Bulk storage near
                         opportunity energy purchased from                                              LNG, Propane
              BEC                CFE (Mexico).               No        Berth. Fuel is then distributed by
                                                                          pipeline to a second plant.
                                                                        Additionally, fuel is distributed

                                                                         by barge to smaller islands.
                                                                                                    RFP issued, responses
                                                                        Fuel is trucked to the port and
                                                                                                        include Gen
                                                                       loaded onto barge. Sea voyage to
                                                                          Caye Caulker.  The fuel is
              BEL                     NS                     No                                       Hydro, Bio‐Mass,
                                                                        pumped from the dock in Caye
                                                                                                     Solar, Wind, Bio‐gas,
                                                                       Caulker to the tanks on the power
                                                                                                      Waste to Energy,
                                                                             station compound.
                                                                                                      Thermal, Coal, etc.
                                                                       1.  Separate supply contracts for
                                                                            HFO and No. 2 diesel oil.
                                                                       2.  HFO consumption rate, on-
                                                                             island storage capacity,
                                                                              reserve quantity and
                                                                           maximum tanker size result
                                                                          in a tanker every two months
                                                                            of approximately 150,000
                         No direct impacts:- fuel adjustment                       barrels.           Yes. LNG possibly
                          enables utility to cover fuel prices   Yes.                                 within the next 3-5
                             above a fixed based rate.                  3.  No. 2 diesel consumption       years.
                                                                            profile, on-island storage
                                                                              capacity and reserve
                                                                           quantities result in approx.
                                                                            four shipments per year.

                                                                       4.  Single ocean berth subject to
                                                                             weather delays (winter

                                                                       5.  Separate supply contracts for
                                                                            HFO and No. 2 diesel oil.

                                                                       6.  HFO consumption rate, on-
                                                                             island storage capacity,
                                                                              reserve quantity and

                                       -                     No            maximum tanker size result        -
                                                                          in a tanker every two months
                                                                            of approximately 150,000

                                                                        7.  No. 2 diesel consumption
                                                                            profile, on-island storage

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