Page 28 - Annual Report 2017
P. 28

Manpower Assistance                 Humanitarian Assistance            Occupational Health
                                                                                 and Safety
          As a result of the seve rit y and scale of the impacts   CARILEC  also  provided  humanitarian assistance
          to Member utilities, ANGlEC, BVIEC and DOMLEC   to  Anguilla   Electricity  Company  Limited
          requested manpower assistance from  CARILEC. ln   (ANGLEC),  the  British  Virgin  Islands  Electricity   During  the  year  2017,  CARllEC continued  the
          response  to  these  requests,  the  Secretariat   Corporation  (BVIEC)  and  Dominica  Electricity   drive  for  improvement  in  Occupational  Health
          implemented  the  CARllEC  Disaster  Assistance   Services limited (DOMLEC).   and  Safety  at  the  Secretariat  and  among  its
          Programme. However, the other CARILEC member                           membership.  CARILEC,  through  its  position
          utilities  that  sustained  significant  damages  to                   statement, guided and  encouraged  its  members
          their  infrastructure  completed  their  restoration                   to  establish  safe  working  practices,  create  a
          activities  without  seeking  support  through  the                    healthy working  environ ment, and  to  develop  a
          CARILEC Disaster Assistance Programme.                                 culture which promotes safety.

          Deployment  of  Crews  to  Anguilla:  CARILEC                          CARllEC  member  utilities  are  committed  to
          deployed 11 (eleven) li ne crews totalling 55 (fifty                   delivering  electricity  service  in  a  manner  that
          five) linesmen from 10 (ten) utilities to Anguilla to                  safeguards  the  health,  safety  and  welfare  of
          assist ANGLEC  in  its  restoration  effort du ring  the               employees, contractors, customers and  members
          period  September  .  December  7,  2017.  By                          of  the  general  public.  In  this  regard,  CARILEC's
          mid·December 2017, the restoration assistance to                       goal is to promote the highest standards relating
          Anguilla was officially completed.                                     to occupation al health and safety (OHS) among its
                                                                                 members  in  order to  protect  the  interests of the
          Deployment  of  Crews  to  British  Virgin Islands:                    employees,  contractors,  customers  and  the
          CARILEC  deployed  13  (thirteen)  line  crews                         general  public as  weil  as  the good  reputation  of
          totalling  68 (sixt Y eight) linesmen from  9 (nine)                   the overall industry.
          utilities to the British Virgin Islands to assist BVIEC
          in  its  restoration  effort  during  the  period                      The  CARILEC  Board  of  Directors  and  the
          September· December 12, 2017. The  restoration                         Secretariat  are  committed  to  demonstrating
          effort resumes in 2018.                                                leadership in the area  of safety through ongoing
                                                                                 engagement with  its  members in  OHS  activities,
          Deployment  of  Crews  to  Dominica:  CARllEC                          conferences, and  meetings.  The  Secretariat  will
          deployed  8 (eight) line  crews  totalling  45  (forty                 report on a regular basis to the CARILEC Board of
          five) linesmen, 1 (one) transformer technician,  1                     Directors  on  its  OHS  performance  and  the
          (one) Trainee  Hydraulic  Tooi  Technician, and  1                     performance of its members.
          (one)  Mechanic  from  8  (eight)  utilities  to
          Dominica to assist DOMLEC in its restoration effort                    CARILEC's  Board  of  Directors  ratified  the  CARllEC
          during the period October· December 19, 2017.                          Occupational  Health  and  Safety  Committee
          The restoration effort resumes in 2018.   Moral Support                (CARIOHSC) Charter which provides the framework
                                                                                 for  realising  the  regional  OHS  objectives  in
                                                                                 accordance  with  the  CARILEC  OHS  Position
                                              Key members of CARllEC's Board of Directors also
                                                                                 Statement  further,  an  OHS  Committee  Meeting
                                             visited  Anguilla  Electricity  Company  Limited
                                                                                 wasconvened on friday 19th May, 2017 during the
                                             (ANGlEC).  the  British  Virgin  Islands  Electricity
                                                                                 2017 Annual  CEOs  and  finance Conference  in  St
                                             Corporation  (BVIEC)  and  Dominica  Electricity
                                                                                 Lucia and several issues pertinent to the CARIOHSC
                                             Services  limited  (DOMLEC)  and  engaged  with
                                                                                 were  resolved, including  the  election  of  a new
                                              Utility CEOs and key Government officiais.
                                                                                 chairman and vice·chairman.
                                             CARllEC  expresses  its  gratitude  to  the  assisting
                                              utilîties quick and  effective  response, and  commends   ln  2017, two  chairmen  resigned  their  position
                                             the affected and assisting utilities for their role in   from CARIOHSC as a result of their departure from
                                             ensuring proper coordination of the effort.   their  utilities.  This  resulted  in  some  additional
                                                                                 challenges and impacted the progress of regional
                                             CARILEC  will  continue  to  pursue  strategie
                                                                                 OHS  initiatives.  The  Secretariat  expresses  its
                                             alliances  that  would  enhance  disaster  risk
                                                                                 gratitude to past chairmen of CARIOHSC, Mr Brian
                                              reduction and the implementation of key climate
                                                                                 Reece  of  BLPC  and  Mr Amarchandra  Maharaj  of
                                             change  mitigation  and  adaptation  strategies
                                                                                 POWERGEN  for  their  selfless  efforts  in  driving
                                             among  its  members,  and  enhance  its  disaster
                                                                                 OHS  among the membership and welcomes the
                                             mitigation,  preparedness,  response  , restoration
                                                                                 new chairman, Mr Anthony Patterson (VINLEC).
                                             and  recovery capabilities.
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