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CARllEC,   Ihrough   collaboralion   with   the   Achievements for the   •   The  project  and  its  outputs  are  still
           Inter-AmerÎcan  Development Bank  completes the                           valuable ta CARllEC,  its member utilities,
           Implementation  of  a Climate  Change  Adaptation   Reporting Period      the Bank and regional energy partners.
           and Sustainable Energy Project aimed at improving   This  reporting  period  principally  realised  the
           the utility industl}' in the Caribbean region.                         Key recommendations include:
                                              completion  of  the  execution  of a workshop  to
           ln  June  2014,  the  Caribbean  Electric  Utility   disseminate the  project  information;  the  final   •   CARllEC should take full advantage of future
           Services Corporation (CARllEC) signed a Regional   evaluation;  the  audit of  the  project's  financial   opportunities  to  meet  the  training  and
           Non-Reimbursable   Technical   Cooperation   statements;  and   the  submission  of  ail   capa city  needs  of the  utilities as  they move
           Agreement  for  grant  funding  in  the  sum  of   outstanding final reports.   towards  more efficient operations and  seek
           USS476,   625   from   the   Inter-American                               to  incorporate more  renewable  energy and
           Development  Bank  (IDB),  and  local  counterpart  The Final Evaluation   become  more climate-resilient.
           contribution  of  USS120,000  ta  be  provided  in                     •   CARllEC   should   identify   follow-on!
           kind  by  CARllEC for  the  implementation  of   As part of its obligations under the project, CARllEC   complementary initiatives to this project and
           "CARILEes  Climate  Change  Adaptation  and   was  required  to  undertake  a final  evaluation wh en   possible  funding  mechanisms  by  initiating
           Sustainable Energy Pro9ramming" project aver   90%  of the  project  resources  were  disbursed. The   discussions with  its  utility members and  key
           an  eighteen-month  period.  The  project  is   evaluation's  main  goals  were  to:  {il  Determine   stakeholders (e.g. donors).
           specifically aimed  at supporting  CARllEC  in  the   wh ether the  objectives,  outcomes  and  impact as
           development and  implementation of: (i) Climate   stated in  the  Project  Agreement  signed  between   CARILEC Advances
           change adaptation strategies for member electric   CARllEC and  the  IDB  were  achieved;  (ii)  Identify
           utilities;  and  (ii)  Strategies  for  optimising   lessons  learned  and  provide  recommendations  for  Preparations for its 2018
           generation,  transmission  and  distribution  with   future operations ta be financed by the IDB; and (iii)   Benchmarking Initiative
           increased renewable energy (RE) penetration and   Assess  CARllEC's  role  and  perlormance  as
           reduction of operationallosses of its members.   implementing agency. The  evaluation assessed  the   CARllEC  is  very  keen  on  improving  the
                                               project's  refevance,  effectiveness,  efficiency,   operational efficiency and viability of its member
           Ta achieve this objective, the project comprised of five   sustainability, and fessons fearned.   utilities  and  wi ll  continue  its  benchmarking
           components: i) Adaptation ta Climate Change Action                     initiative in 2018. The study aims ta: (1) Identify,
           Plan  and  Strategies;  ii)  Strategies  for  Supply-side   The  evaluation,  which  revealed  several  strengths   measure  and  benchmark  member  utilities'
           Energy Management; iii} Strategies for Demand-side   and  weaknesses  of the  project,  has  made  the   technical,   commercial,   financial   and
           Energy   Management;   iv)   Dissemination   of   followi ng key conclusions, among others:   organizational  performance;  (2)  Determine  the
           Information; and (v) Consulting  contract of a Project   •   The project has proven to be relevant to the needs,   standing  of  the  utilities  against  international
           Coordinator. Table  13 shows  the  five  (5) utilities   policiesand plans of thestakeholder groups.   "best practices" of the electric utility industry;  and
           that participated in the project's activities.
                                               •   The  objectives  of  the  project  were  largely   (3)  Make  recommendations  ta  CARllEC  on
           Based  on  the  agreement  between  CARllEC and   met  Although  the  project  design  and   cost-effective  improvements for  the  Caribbean
           the  Inter·American  Development  Bank  which   budget   did   not   specifically   target   electric utilities performance profile.
           included  a general  project  extension  of twelve   implementation  of  the  strategies,  the  fact   The  evolution  of  CARllEC's  benchmarking
           (12)  months,  the  project's  execution  period   that  some  of  the  utilities  have  begun   initiative  has  realised  the  performance  of
           ended  on  December  10,  2016  while the  final   implementing   some   of   the   uni·dimensional,   multi·dimensional   and
           disbursement period  expired  on  April  10,2017   recommendations   contributes   towards   environmental  studies;  the  development  and
           and  the  consulting  contract  of  the  Project   achieving the project objectives, even in the   launch  of  a benchmark study  website;  and  an
           Coordinator expired in June 2017.      absence of direct implementation support.   upgrade to the  uni·dimensional study to  include
                                               •   The project was efficient in the use of project
                                                  financial  resources, although  it was not very   additional  key  performance  indicators  that  are
                                                                                  relevant to the changing regional energy industry
           Table 13: Participating Utilities      efficient in terms of adhering to the planned   market   dynamies.   CARllEC  Benchmarking
           in the Project                         timeframes.
                                               •   CARILEC's performance as executing agency   initiatives undertaken for the period 2013 - 2017
            Name of Utility     Participation                                     are shawn in Table 14 below.
                                                  was  mostly  satisfactory,  given  the  initial
                                Camponent         constraints faced  by the projec\.
                              1     2    3
            Barbados Ught and                 Table 14: Benchmarking initiatives undertaken for the period 2013 - 2017
            Power Company (BlPC)   ./  ./  ./   Descri  tian                              ImIlHltmllm1lmJ1
            Belize Electricity
            limited (BEL)          ./  ./      Uni·Oimensional Study                       •  •  •
                                               Multi·Dimensional Study(Oata EnvelopmentAnalysis)   •
             Oaminica Electricity   ./  ./  ./
             SeNiees (DOMlEC)                  Uni·Oimensional StudyUpgraded               •
            Nevis Electricity                  Benchmark Study Review;
            Company ltd (NEVlEC)   ./  ./  ./   Development of a TOR for the CARILEC BenchmarkStudy ~atforrn Upgmde P"'ject;   •  •
            St Kit!:; Electricity   ./  ./  ./   Development of a Drah MOU with CARICOM ta Facilitate
   (SKElEC)                    Project Funding & Data Sharing

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