Page 26 - Annual Report 2017
P. 26

Member Utilities Participation in the
          CARILEC Benchmark Study

                                                                FIGURE 7- Residential Consumers Typical Bills (US$)
          Figure  6  shows  the  participation  of  CARILEC member  utilities  in  the
                                                                - Dec 2017
          Uni·dimensional Benchmark Study for the period 2012·2016. For the period
          2012  . 2016  there  was  an  average  of  16  participants  which  equals  the   ..s=.  40.00
                                                                i  35.00
          average participation level for the study period 2011 ·2015. However, there   :?
                                                                ;:  30.00
          was a decline in participation for the period 2014 and 2015. The 2016·2017   ...!JI!.  25.00
          studies  are scheduled  to  be  conducted  in 2018  in accordance  with the   <>
                                                                o  20.00
          decision to conduct the study every two years.          15.00
          Ta  address  the  benchmarking  study  challenges,  the  Secretariat  has   o
          committed  to  subsidising  the  cast  for  performing  the  study, and  has
          advanced  the  process  to  upgrade  the  platform to an  integrated online   -E  160.00
                                                                ~ 120.00
          (web·based) benchmarking plattorm.                   ~
                                                                ;: BOO.OO
                                                               ~ 400.00
                 FIGURE 6 - CARllEC Unidimensional              ~   0
                 Benchmark Study 2012-2016
                                                               -E  300.00
                     20                                         ~ 2SO.00
                                                               ;: 200.00
                     15                                        ~ 150.00
                                                                liS  100.00
                     10                                           SO.OO
                      o                          a
                 YEARS     2012  2013  2014  2015  2016

          Benchmark Study Website                               Figure 8 - Showing the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane
                                                                Season Track Map
          The CARILEC Benchmark Study Website continues ta play a significant raie in
          the  CARILEC benchmarking  initiative  serving  as  a very useful  tool  for  the
          participating utilities. 1t offers different levels of access and facilitates on li ne
          viewing and  downloading  of ail  the  results of the  Benchmark studies that
          have been carried out to date.
          (https:llw ebsafe.kemai /Projects/Oefault.aspx?alias~websafe.kemai
 jects/cari 1 ec).
          Electricity Tariff Survey

          The CARILEC Electricity Tariff Survey forms an essential part of CARILEC's effort
          to adequately inform its members, investors and other industry stakeholders
          about the characteristics, behaviour and outlook of the electric utility industry
          in the  Caribbean  region. They  provide  greater visibility of  electricity  pricing   Source:
          across consumer segments and electric utilities in the reg ion.

          The surveys, which are conducted  on a quarterly basis among CARILEC Full   Disaster Response
          Member  Electric  Utilities,  result  in  a  compilation  of  the  typical  and   and Restoration
             disaggregated  electricity  bills  for  the  key  classes  of consumers  of
                    electricity  in  the  Caribbean  region.  There  continues  to be   Disaster  management  continues to be  a key  strategic
                        significant  stakeholder  interests  in  the  CARILEC   issue  for  the  Caribbean  electric  utility  industry.
                          electricity tariff survey results, as evidenced  by the   Disaster response and restoration assistance is one
                             number  of requests received  during  the  year   of the many benefits afforded ta Full Members
                              2017.  Figure  7  shows  some  CARILEC   of  CARILEC, a service  which  is  opportune
                                member  utilities   residential/domestic   during  times  of  major  disasters such  as
                                 consumers' typical  bills for the  month  of   hurricanes,  earthquakes,  flooding,  and
                                 Oecember 2017.                volcanic eruptions.
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