Page 29 - Annual Report 2017
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Financial Performance              FIGURE 9 - Financial Performance 2017
           2017                                   1,800,000
           The CARILEC  Seaetariat outperformed budgeted
           surplus of US$l66,400 fOf the year 2017 _ The net
           surplus position realised was USS270,737.   1,200,000
           Talai revenue exceeded budget by US$l 06,480  or
           7"10,  there  was a commensurate increase in direct   600,000
           cost of US$97 ,240 or 23% however, overhead cost
           fell below budget by USS60,098 or 7%.   400,000

            Notable Highlights for year 2017

            ,   The four conferences executed  fOf  the year
               earned  strong  fmancial  performances
               particulany the Engineering Conference.
           Z  Training  department  oUlperformed  the
               number  of  planned  courses,  earned  a
               surplus  on  every  (ourse  delivered  and   Cash flows trom investing activities   •   Implemented a flooring of USS400,OOOand
               earned administrative fees !rom (AREC                                  cei1ing of USS 800,000  With Ihe ceiling in
           3   Sayings  in  Corporale  Services  departmenl   •   Increase  in  Investment  Se<urities  of   effe<l,  utilities  saw  a  reduction  in  2017
               due to controlled cost and non· exe(Ulion of
                                                  USS20,984 represented  by  interest earned   yearly  subscriplion  Irom  USS3,OOO  10
               planned activllies.                on investment of lunds.             USS2,200.
                                               •   Payment to acquire lixed asselS of USS21,057
                                                  represented  mainly  by  engineering  and   Haiti Fund
                                                  architectural  work  done  for  the  proposed
            1  There  was  nol a hire  of an  Administration   new building.      •   In  2016, through the assistance 01 Caribbean
               Clerk, a position budgeted for in 2017.                                Disaster  Emergency  Managemenl  Agent)'
           2   CARllEC u5ed only 20% of the allocation lor   Cash flows trom financing activities   (CDEMA) has idft1lilied the School Rehabilitation
               2017 CARllEC gives back programme.                                     Proje<t in Les  Cayes  in  Haili as  a possible
                                               •   A net de<rease in  Hurricane  Fund  ReseIVes   recipienl of Ihe CARILEC Disasler Fu nd
            Balance Sheet and Cash                of USS122,869 mainly due to  provision for
            Flow Statements                       reimbursement  to  Dominica  Electricity   Disaster Fund
                                                  SeIVices  Ltd  (DOMlEC),  Anguilla  Electricity
                                                  SeIVices (ANGlEC) and British Virgin Islands  Administration Summary
            4   The  main  lactors  contributing  to  the  net
               increase in Cash of USSI 16,953 during the   (BVIEC) after the passage of Hurricanes Irma   of Movements in
                                                  and Maria.
               period are as lollows:                                             Disaster fund for 2017
            Cash flows trom operating activities   Other highlights               TABLE 15 - Summary of the
                                                                                  Fund Movement for 2017
            •   Increase in AccounlS Re<eivables as a result   Disaster Fund
               of increased activities.                                            Summary of Movements
                                                                                   10 Dryster fund
            •   Increase InAccounlS Payables due to unpaid   •   The  Board  of Oire<tors (BOO)  at the  l06th   723,260
               bills  (timing  issue),  and  a  provision  lor   Board  Meeting  approved  the  following   Balance at 01.01.17
               reimbursement  to  Dominica  Ele<tricity   changes  to  the  administration  of  Ihe   Administrative Fee   (10,000)
               SeIVices  ltd  (DOMlEC), Anguilla  Ele<tricity   Disaster Fund:     Membership Contributions   59,400
               SeIV;ces (ANGlEC) and British Virgin Islands   •   Increase 01  maximum  reimbursemenl  pay   Disbursements to Members   (202,565)
               (BVIEC) after the passage of Hurricanes Irma   out lrom USSSO,OOO 10 USS75,OOO.   Interest lncome
               and Maria.                                                          Balante al31  1217

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