Page 42 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 42

begins delivering actionable recommendations   meter sockets and splices, cracked insulators, failing
                to  a  utility  from  day  one,  even  before  staff   transformers, and other latent equipment problems
                members integrate its other capabilities into   all become visible with TUNet Grid Reliability
                their daily routines.                         Analytics. In the past, customer complaints were the
                  Email notifications link to anomaly reports like   only indication that equipment on the edge of the
                this one with all the necessary information for   grid was about to fail. Now, software algorithms spot
                quick investigation or assignment.            flickers in power quality that customers might not
                                                              even notice
                GET AHEAD OF THE WORK                           Crow Wing Power is a member-owned cooperative
                TUNet Grid Reliability Analytics enables proactive   utility based in Brainerd, Minnesota with around
                planning and decision-making. It provides     43,000  meters  and  100  employees.  Many  of  the
                a new perspective of a  utility’s  distribution   co-op’s members own vacation homes in the rural
                network that is inherently forward-looking. That   service territory. The analytics tool enables Crow
                said, its historical-data visualizations also can   Wing to spot problems and perform repairs when
                demonstrate  the  before-and-after  effects  of   members are away. “Now we can chase down blinks
                capital projects. Other advantages include:   on  our  timeline  instead  of  when  members  call
                                                              about them,” said Crow Wing System Operator, Bill
                ▶ Reduce overtime by fixing emerging problems     Upon implementing the tool in September 2020,
                   during business hours                      Crow Wing found numerous loose connections at
                                                              transformers and meter bases. Field crews addressed
                ▶ Prioritize work by tracking MAIFI and CEMI   the problems while out on line patrols, which they
                   scores for individual feeders              regularly perform during the slower, off season. With
                                                              time, this proactive approach to fieldwork will reduce
                ▶ Set it and forget it with automated alerts for   the  amount  of  overtime  required  to  respond  to
                   emerging blinks and flickers               outages in the middle of the night and on weekends.
                                                              Plus,  by  replacing  or  repairing  equipment  before
                ▶ Perform quick  investigations  through      a failure occurs, the utility will avoid more costly
                   seamless  integration with TUNet Insight   damage and outages.
                                                                “It opens up lots of opportunities for us, and
                ▶ Collaborate efficiently by assigning reports   there’s definitely savings from the cost of line crews,”
                   for investigation or resolution            Swenson said. “Overtime hours, mileage on trucks,
                                                              maybe even having to call an operator in during the
                ▶ Quickly  find  problems  in  the  field  with    middle of the night—it can exponentiate really fast
                  geospatial mobile support                   in terms of savings.”

                ▶ Avoid wasted truck rolls by easily validating   2. Raising Operational Awareness
                   meter groupings                            The primary benefit of TUNet Grid Reliability
                                                              Analytics is a new, more-granular perspective on
                                                              grid performance. The ability to zoom in or out
               A PROACTIVE PERSPECTIVE ON THE GRID            on any element in the distribution network can
               TUNet Grid Reliability Analytics gives utilities a new   drastically simplify operations and customer service.
               perspective on their distribution networks that can   For instance, if a customer calls to complain about
               fundamentally change how they approach business.   a persistent power blink, staff can use the tool to
               The tool drives improvements in system reliability   quickly determine whether the problem is on the
               and operations that can be grouped broadly into   utility’s side of the meter, or the customer’s. In the
               four areas.                                    past, that important determination might require
                                                              numerous truck rolls and hours of field work.
               1. Getting Ahead of Equipment Failures           If the source of a blink is on the utility’s equipment,
               Distribution equipment produces tell-tale signs of   the analytics tool can be used in the back office,
               emerging problems long before failure. Corroded   or by crews in the field, to pinpoint the location.

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