Page 43 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 43

Trees touching lines

                   This is particularly valuable in large, rural territories     “We wanted the tool to anticipate the investigation
                   where visual inspections can take hours if not days   a person  is trying to perform and populate the
                   to  complete—often  across  rugged  terrain.  Plus,   necessary information with a single click,” Geiger
                   the tool can be used to validate whether or not the   said about designing the user interface for TUNet
                   cause of a blink is within a substation or further   Grid  Reliability Analytics.  “By  making the  tool  as
                   upstream on other equipment that may not belong   intuitive as possible, the user can actually learn the
                   to the utility.                                tool and the grid’s performance characteristics at
                     Matt  West,  Manager  of  Engineering  for  Crow   the same time.”
                   Wing Power, said ultimately the tool is beginning to     Because TUNet Grid Reliability Analytics tracks
                   change the operational stance of the organization.   a high volume of minor outages and anomalies all
                   “Now, we can be more proactive,” he said. “We’re   over the distribution network, it’s also the ideal tool
                   not just reactive, especially in the eyes of our co-op   for auditing meter metadata.  Using the tool’s data
                   members.”                                      visualizations to validate and cleanup mislabeled
                                                                  meters will put an end to wasted truck rolls caused
                   3. Orienting to Equipment in the Field         by grouping errors in a utility’s outage management
                   Geospatial  awareness  is  key  to  the  intuitive  user   system (OMS) or other source of truth.
                   interface of TUNet Grid Reliability Analytics. What that
                   means is the tool provides contextual information   4. Strategic Planning and Reporting
                   about  the  distribution  equipment  surrounding  a   Scheduling  equipment  replacements  and  tree
                   user’s actual location in the field with a mobile device,   trimming based on demonstrated need instead
                   or a virtual location selected on a map by a user in   of time, is the most obvious benefit of TUNet Grid
                   the back office.                               Reliability Analytics. But it’s just the start of how the
                   With a tablet in hand, a crew member can step out   tool can be used to prioritize and justify field work
                   of  the  truck  and  walk  straight  to  a  meter  that  is   and capital projects. After TUNet analytics have
                   indicating a problem, greatly improving the speed   revealed problem locations and suggested their
                   of field work. The tool’s map will follow the tablet’s   likely causes, a utility can rank the severity of the
                   location in the field. That means no more exploring   problems by generating index scores like MAIFI or
                   from  house  to  house  and  pole  to  pole,  trying  to   CEMI for each discrete problem-section of the grid.
                   determine what equipment is where.             Alternatively, the analytics tool can help a utility

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