Page 46 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 46

Bucket truck

               prioritize upgrades based on the business impact of   and reporting more intuitive to the average user
               a particular part of the distribution network. It does   or layperson. Utilities can use the tool to make
               this by determining and displaying what types of   compelling, visual presentations with historic data
               customers are on each feeder.                  from days, weeks or months in the past. In addition
                 TUNet’s analytics can differentiate the locations   to measuring the impact of their work on sustained
               of industrial, commercial and residential customers,   outages, with TUNet’s analytics they finally have a
               enabling the kinds of strategic decisions and   tool to quantify the impact on momentary outages
               information-sharing that make communities more   as well.
               attractive to businesses and directly impact economic
               development and future revenue.                HOW TO SEIZE THE ADVANTAGE
                 Due to the increase in solar power and energy   OF ANALYTICS
               efficiency technologies, electricity demand in the U.S.   Unlike many tools, TUNet Grid Reliability Analytics is
               could drop by as much as 15% in the U.S. by 2025,   simple to set up. Within hours, it will be monitoring
               according to Accenture . The loss in utility revenues   all  the high-resolution interval  data  produced  by
               was calculated at between $18 billion and $48 billion.    every TRUEdge-enabled device in their network.
               Individual utilities reverse the losses by prioritizing   From day one, the tool will reveal equipment in the
               infrastructure that enables economic development   early stages of failure and other emerging problems,
               and the growth of their customer bases.        and with time, the reliability and cost benefits will
                 “We’re  fortunate  not  to  have  a  big  issue  with   deepen as the utility integrates analytical capabilities
               blinks, so we’re using the tool to prioritize capital   enabled by AMI into day-to-day operations.
               project planning,” said Sarah Clarke, the power and   Distribution  grids  are  humming  with  the  early
               communications administrative assistant for the   symptoms of future failures.  The days of being blind
               Town of Estes Park in Colorado. “Now, I’ll be able   to these symptoms are over for utilities that adopt
               to show before and after data shots to our town   advanced AMI networks with grid-edge analytics like
               manager to demonstrate how tax dollars are being   TUNet Grid Reliability Analytics.  The result is more
               spent effectively.”                            efficient operations, improved customer satisfaction,
                 TUNet Grid Reliability Analytics is built around   fewer wildfire and other safety risks, and smarter
               powerful data visualizations that make investigations   capital investment decisions.


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