Page 49 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 49

                                                                  WRB Energy has first-hand knowledge of the benefits
                                                                  of all-electric vehicles at Grenada Electricity Services
                                                                  (Grenlec), the electric utility company serving
                                                                  Grenada. Several years ago, Grenlec initiated an EV
                                                                  pilot  program  at  its  utility  headquarters  in  Grand
                                                                  Anse. Grenlec purchased two Nissan LEAFS and a
                                                                  Nissan NV200 five-seater van for use in its current
                                                                  fleet. Grenlec tracked the performance of the vehicles
                            The Grenlec team                      for mileage efficiency and fuel savings.

                                 found that the
                                                                  MILEAGE – 75-100 MPGe
                                  high torque of
                                                                  In  the  first  six  months  of  the  pilot,  the  vehicles
                                electric motors                   averaged  the  equivalent  of  100  miles  per  gallon
                                provides faster                   (MPGe) after traveling approximately 10,000 miles
                                                                  in Grenada. The vehicles averaged 3.88 miles/kWh.
                            acceleration with                     Over  time,  the mileage  averaged approximately
                                less noise than                   75  MPGe.  It  is  important  to  note  that  the  actual
                                                                  mileage for electric vehicles can vary based on road
                                a conventional
                                                                  conditions, manufacturer/model type, weather, and
                                           internal               the operator’s driving style (speed and fast starts/
                                     combustion                   stops).
                                      engine car.                 FUEL COSTS
                                                                  The electric vehicles averaged a 43% reduction in
                                                                  fuel costs compared to their combustion-engine
                                                                  counterparts with similar daily usage. In the first six
                                                                  months of the pilot, the vehicles used a total of 2,550
                                                                  kWh at a cost of US$1,082 which represents total
                                                                  savings of US$828.50 in fuel costs. Because of the
                                                                  van’s larger size, the vehicle consumed more energy
                                                                  than the LEAFS.
                       lectrification—the  shift  from  fossil  fuel-
                       to electricity-powered transportation,     Driving 100 miles in Grenada
                  Ecommercial and industrial processes,           US$16.50 in gas-powered vehicle
                   and  buildings—is  becoming  important  in  the   US$9.70 in all-electric Nissan LEAF
                   reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,
                   increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved   The vehicles averaged 100 miles on a single charge.
                     Electrification  in  the  transportation  industry   And because the vehicles have fewer moving parts,
                   drives a host of benefits worldwide, including for   it is expected that maintenance costs will be lower.
                   nations in the Caribbean that are striving to reduce
                   dependence on imported foreign fuel, increase   ROAD PERFORMANCE
                   renewable energy, and strengthen resiliency. As   The  Grenlec  team  found  that  the  high  torque  of
                   part of transport electrification, electric vehicles   electric motors provides faster acceleration with less
                   (EVs) are gaining traction by proving to be more   noise than a conventional internal combustion engine
                   energy-efficient,  cost-effective,  and  gentler  on   car. The electric vehicles handle the road well, even on
                   the environment as compared to conventional    Grenada’s hilly terrain.
                   internal combustion-engine (ICE) vehicles.

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