Page 50 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 50

ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS — REDUCED               forces: the need to decrease dependence on fossil
               AIR POLLUTION AND GREENHOUSE GASES             fuels to reduce costs and combat climate change;
               EVs have zero tailpipe emissions which reduce air   generate clean energy from solar and wind power;
               pollution and greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide),   and greater awareness and education of EV benefits,
               contributing  to  a  cleaner  environment.  Although   including lower operating and maintenance costs
               the power plant that generates electricity produces   as well as improved road performance,“ says Ms.
               emissions, EVs operate at a much higher efficiency,   Edghill.
               and therefore, produce fewer pollutants than gas-    According  to  Ms.  Edghill,  the  use  of  EVs  in
               powered vehicles. Additionally, the increased use of   Barbados is accelerating because of the support
               renewable energy for generating electricity in the   of the nation’s electricity provider, Barbados Light
               future can further reduce carbon emissions.    &  Power  (BL&P),  the  Government  of  Barbados,
               According to Collin Cover, General Manager of   and local businesses. In 2013, Megapower began
               Grenlec, the EVs performed better than expected   developing a public charging network in Barbados,
               in terms of efficiency, cost savings, and operation.   offering  open,  free-to-use  access  at  high-traffic
               “The challenge to increased use of EVs in Grenada   locations, including supermarkets, restaurants, and
               is the lack of availability through local car dealers,”   sports facilities, to increase public awareness and
               says Mr. Cover.                                encourage usage.
                                                                In 2015, the charging units were replaced with
               EVS SPEEDING UP IN BARBADOS                    pay-as-you-go cards. In 2018, BL&P assumed 50%
               Headquartered  in  Barbados,  Megapower  Ltd.,  an   of  the  cost  for  three  rapid  CHAdeMO  charging
               importer of EVs since 2013, has been instrumental   stations.  Now  there  are  more  than  35  public
               in facilitating  the  sales of  EVs, installation of   locations across Barbados. The charging sites are
               charging stations, and construction of solar carports   noted on Megapower’s public EV network mobile
               throughout the Caribbean, including Antigua, Grand   and web-based app:
               Bahamas, Grenada, St. Vincent, and Turks and     Working with Megapower, BL&P has also provided
               Caicos. According to Joanna Edghill, co-founder of   incentives and interest-free loans to utility staff for
               Megapower, the future of EVs in the Caribbean is   the purchase of EVs. The implementation of Time-
               strong. “EVs represent a natural confluence of three   of-Use (TOU) rates is being explored as well.

                             Joanna Edghill of Megapower Ltd., Barbados, in an electric bus manufactured by BYD.

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