Page 53 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
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4.  Manufacturers increasing the number of dealers   includes fostering partnerships between government,
                      and EV training of automotive service      utilities, manufacturers, private businesses, and
                     providers.                                  nonprofits to spur market transformation. This
                                                                 incorporates consistent governmental policies and
                   5.  Electric utilities championing and promoting   tax incentives to accelerate availability through local
                      the use of EVs, including the inclusion of EVs in   dealers, development of charging infrastructure,
                      service fleets. Utilities are also analyzing the long-   training of maintenance service personnel, and
                      term impacts of EVs on the grid and developing   consumer education. Partnerships for E-Mobility can
                      special utility rate structures for EV use and off-   achieve mutual  goals for economic development,
                      peak charging.                             increased revenue, environmental responsibility, and
                   6.  Participation by highly, visible commercial
                      enterprises using EVs for tourism, public
                      transport, delivery services, and other business-       ABOUT THE AUTHOR
                      related purposes.
                                                                     Robert Blenker, President & CEO of WRB Energy
                   DRIVING THE FUTURE OF E-MOBILITY                  – see bio page 18
                   A viable path forward for greater use of EVs

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