Page 52 - CARILEC CE Journal CEMAY2021
P. 52

                  A recent report, Electrified Islands: The Road to E-Mobility in the Caribbean, examines the progress,
                  benefits, and barriers to EV expansion in case studies from Barbados, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands,
                  Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic.

               BENEFITS:                                      •  Support increased use of renewable energy for
               •  Energy efficient                               electricity generation
               •  Costs less to operate                       •  Resiliency – Use/repurpose EV batteries for energy
               •  Sound driving performance, quieter             storage and back-up power
               •  Lower maintenance                           •  Build economies of scale by aggregating market
               •  Zero tailpipe emissions                        demand and supply for Caribbean nations
                                                              On the island nations experiencing the most success
               BARRIERS:                                      with EV adoption, including Barbados, Bermuda,
               •  Lack of public awareness and education      Cayman Islands, and the Dominican Republic, there
               •  High upfront costs and limited availability  are several common elements fostering growth. These
               •  Potential lost tax revenue from fuel imports  countries have governmental policies as well as public
               •  Development of EV charging infrastructure   and private partnerships in place to spur market
               •  Lack of trained sales and maintenance personnel
               OPPORTUNITIES:                                 1.  EVs play a role in national energy policy to reduce
               •  Reduced dependence on fuel imports             the use of fossil fuels and increase the generation of
               •  Create partnerships between government, private      renewable energy.
                  businesses, and nonprofits to accelerate adoption   2.  The transportation sector is exploring and testing
                  based on mutual goals and benefits, including      EVs for public transport, including bus fleets.
                  economic development, revenue generation,
                  sustainability, and environmental responsibility.   3.  Governments working to reduce import duties on EVs.

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