Page 33 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
P. 33



                                             Edited transcript from 2020 Virtual 12th
                                    Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum Town Hall Discussion

                            s increasingly ambitious renewable energy targets are announced in the Caribbean, the vision
                            for a clean energy transition occasionally minimizes the ongoing role of thermal (fossil fuels).
                            Can solar, wind and storage alone maintain a reliable, resilient electricity grid?  How do we make
                   A grid upgrades to accommodate increased renewables and provide for greater resiliency during
                   catastrophic weather events?  And who pays for it?

                   Here’s an open discussion from different perspectives about thermal: do we need it, how much, and how do we
                   frame it in national energy targets as we transition to increased renewables and other advanced technologies?
                   Ultimately, governments, utilities and other stakeholders need to work collaboratively to develop realistic,
                   practical plans that balance reliability and costs for the integration of renewables in the short- and long-term.

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