Page 36 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
P. 36

ways you would like to be engaged? In goal setting,   no sustainable way to provide balancing or even
               there are often interim goals set for solar, wind,   baseload in a world where renewables now takes
               or storage. It’s less often that we see interim goals   over for the baseload. So, while I say the possibility
               set for thermal. Should there be interim goals? If   certainly  exists  for  thermal  to  be  phased  out,  it
               so, from a broad perspective, what types of goals   might not happen in our lifetime, or any time soon,
               would be helpful and necessary to think about as   but considering the developments and where the
               the energy supply in many countries is shifting over   technologies  are  going,  it  certainly  creates  the
               the years?                                     possibility  that  renewables  will  now  be  the  new
                                                              baseload for the future. Having said that, we have to
               FP: I think Murray will be better suited to answer   be careful about how we make such statements. The
               this question being on the grid side. However, I think   facts are that today batteries are not enough in an
               to start, you will probably depend on the existing   area where you are trying to have huge renewable
               infrastructure, the existing location, the geographical   penetration.  We  are  still  seeing  as  a  fact  today
               landscape. There are several things that will affect   that without traditional thermal, and for us, we’re
               how fast you can integrate renewables. You can’t   talking flexible thermal, not thermal planned to be
               decide on a number, in my opinion, just because   baseload because that’s gone. The thermal of the
               it’s  a  great  number.  The  grid  must  support  the   future has to be flexible, with the ability to work with
               integration of renewables. Consider the economics,   the renewable penetration most governments are
               can the country afford to have the necessary energy   planning for the future.
               storage to allow for the integration of renewables? Is
               there enough land available to integrate renewables?   CB: I’m interested in hearing your thoughts
               There are many things to consider.             regarding this audience question:
                                                              We need to have thermal; we need to have it be
               MS: Yes, you’ve nailed the issues that we face as   flexible, we need planning, we need to take a holistic
               a utility trying to develop renewables. Specifically   view, and decide what is the role of thermal as we’re
               to the question, yes, the goals for thermal are not   developing  large  electricity  supply  diversification
               necessarily the same as set for renewables. Such   plans. If we get to 80% renewables instead of 100%,
               as, we want X% of thermal energy. I think the goals   or even 75%, engines will not be running as much. Is
               to be set for thermal are determined by what is the   it worth making upgrades today? From your vantage
               most efficient way and least-carbon-intensive way of   point, looking at assets and how you manage them,
               providing thermal generation that is flexible and can   how do you consider investments in light of some of
               effectively support the renewable integration that   the government goals where you operate?
               everybody wants and that we’re all driving towards.
                                                              EP: Investment in a new thermal plant, typically the
               The goals are not so much to say, okay, we want   design life, is anywhere between 25 to 30 years. So
               to  put  in  X  MW  of  thermal  generation.  It’s  what   whatever you decide to do now you should be able to
               do  we  need  to  support  our  program  of  getting   hold well with the future. Having said that, it is a big
               renewables in. We understand that Wartsila supports   decision, however, it’s a need as we see it now. Those
               the  philosophy  of  having  reciprocating  engines,   are the facts. Yes, you can look toward installing
               potentially  some  working  on  gas  and  support   80% renewable in your system, but please consider
               infrastructure for renewable development. It’s less   the time after the hurricane passes and there is no
               setting a thermal goal as it is planning. It comes down   sunshine or wind, and there is an extended period
               to long-term planning and how do we support the   of no sunshine or no wind, no water, we still need
               infrastructure. How do we support our renewable   something, to replace that 80% of renewables that
               energy development targets?                    just  went  out  of  your  system.  What  we’re  saying
                                                              today, thermal is still the best option for that because
               EP:  It’s  only  a  matter  of  time  that  the  traditional   batteries are still not economically feasible to rely
               means of generating, as in thermal, will somehow   on over an extended period of time for storage. We
               go away. However, while we state that, a lot needs   have seen that the more renewables you install, you
               to happen for that to occur. First of all, there is still   also need to look at a parallel amount of thermal.

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