Page 34 - CARILEC CE Journal Nov 21
P. 34

CB: Across the region, countries have
                                                                          set increasingly ambitious renewable
                                                                          targets.  How  does  that  impact
                                                                          thermal  now  and  in  the  future?
                                                                          What is the role of thermal in today’s
                                                                          energy market and diversification in
                                                                          the Caribbean?

                                                                          MS:  I  would  like  to  start  by  saying,
                                                                          wearing both hats, as a utility owner-
                    Murray Skeete, WRB ENERGY, Vice President of Engineering   operator  and  a  renewable  energy
                    and Regulation, WRB Enterprises,  and renewable energy   developer  owner-operator,  I  see
                    developer  WRB Energy. WRB has owned and operated     thermal  playing  a  key  role  going
                    vertically integrated utilities in the Caribbean, owns and   forward for certainly the medium-term
                    operates a  28MWp  solar farm in Jamaica, and actively   and  potentially  into  the  long-term.
                    develops solar utility-scale and behind-the-meter projects in   I  say  that  because  renewables  and
                    many other markets in the Latam region.
                                                                          specifically  intermittent  renewables,
                                                                          which  are  being  developed  and
                                                                          certainly front and center in today’s
                                                                          market,  primarily  solar  and  wind,
                                                                          present  enormous  challenges  for
                                                                          utilities in basically keeping the lights

                    Edmund Phillips, WARTSILA, Business Development Manager,   Thermal  plays  a  role.  It  is  going  to
                    providing sustainable smart technologies and data analytics   continue  to  evolve.  Battery  storage
                    for the marine and energy markets.                    technology is advancing. But  I don’t
                                                                          think  battery  storage  technology  is
                                                                          there  yet  for  long-term  storage.  By
                                                                          that I mean, greater than four hours.
                                                                          To make intermittent renewables work
                                                                          at grid-scale and help utilities keep the
                                                                          lights  on,  we’re  going  to  need  long-
                                                                          term storage at a reasonable price.

                    Filipe Pinto, EAGLE LNG PARTNERS, Vice President, Business   In summary, yes, I see thermal playing
                    Development, providing bulk LNG energy solutions.     a role. What do we mean by thermal?
                                                                          It  could  be  existing  liquid  fuels,
                                                                          distillate or heavy fuels, or LNG (liquid
                                                                          natural  gas).  I  think  either  of  them
                                                                          will work. LNG could be a very useful
                                                                          transitional fuel if we can solve some
                                                                          of the problems of getting LNG on the
                                                                          smaller  islands  economically  in  the
                                                                          quantities that we need.

                    Moderated by Christina
                    Becker-Birck, CADMUS, Vice President,  providing energy   I see a role for thermal going forward
                    expertise in planning, assessment, and policy development.   for quite some time. And of course,
                                                                          that will change over time, but it’s here
                                                                          for the time being.

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