Page 23 - CARILEC Electricity Tariff - December 2021
P. 23

Table 10: Type of Mechanism for small-scale (distributed) RE Generation in Place

                      Type of mechanism for Small Scale (Distributed) RE Generation in Place   Capacity Threshold in kW

                                                                                     Residential   Commercial
                       Utility      None      Net Metering   Net Billing   Other
                                                                                       Band         Band
                       APUA          No           No            √          No          5.00          5.00
                   Aqualectra NV     No           No            √          No          10.00        100.00
                        BEL          No           No            √          No                 N/A
                      BELCO          No          No            No           √         500.00        500.00
                       BLPC          No           No            √          No        10,000.00     20,000.00
                        BPL          No           No            √          No         100.00        500.00
                      BVI EC         No           No            √          No          50.00        500.00
                       CUC           No           √             √          No        10 or 250    10 or 250
                     DOMLEC          No           No           No           √         150.00        150.00
                    FORTIS TCI       No           No            √          No          10.00        500.00
                       GPL                              N/A                                   N/A
                     GRENLEC         No           No           No           √         120%          60% 20
                      JPSCO          No           No            √          No          10.00        100.00
                     LUCELEC         No           √            No          No          5.00         25.00
                      NEVLEC          √           No           No          No                 N/A
                      NV EBS         No           No            √          No          0.00          0.00
                     NV GEBE                            N/A                                   N/A
                     SABA EC          √           No           No          No          13.30       over 13.3
                      STUCO          No           No           No          √           13.30        50.00
                      T&TEC           √           No           No          No                 N/A
                      VINLEC         No           No            √          No          5.00         50.00
                      VIWAPA         No           √            No          No                 N/A

        19  Customer peak demand or 10kW net billing, 250kW net metering, whichever is smaller
        20  Percentage of average annual consumption
        21  Grid injected electricity billed at 0.05 US$ and 0.01 US$ per kWh for residential and commercial customers respectively

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